Day 3 - Eat Reindeer Poop

“In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukkah' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukkah!' or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall!” 
― Dave Barry

Today was a day of firsts.  I painted my boys' room.  Finally.  And it turned out wonderful.  I took my youngest boy to Zoo Lights for the first time.  He liked the snakes, in the reptile house.  Kicked off his shoes outside in the FREEZING cold.  And threw up in grandma's car on the ride home.  

I also ate, for the first time ever, Reindeer Poop.  Some lady was passing these out at the zoo, near the reindeer.  How cute is this idea.

All right, maybe it's because I live in a testosterone filled house (I mean seriously, even my dog is male).  I thought this was so cute.  

Anyway, I am finally defrosting.  My nose is seriously clogged with a miserable cold and I need some kleenex, and hot chocolate is calling my name.  So I will say goodnight.  

Day 2-One on One

“There is more to a boy than what his mother sees. There is more to a boy then what his father dreams. Inside every boy lies a heart that beats. And sometimes it screams, refusing to take defeat. And sometimes his father's dreams aren't big enough, and sometimes his mother's vision isn't long enough. And sometimes the boy has to dream his own dreams and break through the clouds with his own sunbeams.” 

― Ben Behunin, Remembering Isaac: The Wise and Joyful Potter of Niederbipp

Today I spent time with my oldest son. Just the two of us. This was the first time I have done this in...I can't remember when, and as I looked at him I thought, 'how sad that I haven't done this more'. 

We didn't do anything special: Got some dog food; Looked at all the frogs and snakes and turtles and lizards in the pet store-for as long as he wanted; Went to See's Candies for some chocolates; and went for a drive. So it wasn't anything spectacular, but it was wonderful to just be with him. To listen to him talk and not have any interruptions from his younger brothers. To hold his hand as we walked, and not have my hands full with other 'obligations'. To just be. It felt like a vacation and was so much fun we've planned a 'date' for next month, where we will do what ever he wants for a day.

I'm so excited!

This is a picture he took this summer

Day 1 -Three Bites to being Full & Satisfied

This might have been an odd first to do, especially on Thanksgiving. But I recently read an article that said the typical Thanksgiving Meal contains over 3,000 calories. This is not including the snacking before or after. This is JUST the Thanksgiving Feast. By the way, it takes 3,500 to add another pound to your body, and lets face it ladies, who wants another pound added their thighs! So after doing more research I decided to give it a try.

I put only a spoonful of everything I wanted to try on my plate. Then I took only three bites of everything. I ate slow. And if I didn't like what I was eating I didn't worry about hurting anyone's feelings, I just stopped eating it. (I figured I could use those extra calories toward an extra bite of pie!) I finished the same time as everyone else AND I was full and felt satisfied! I really doubted that I would. Then when it came time for pie I got a little slice of all the pies I wanted to try and only took three bites of each. So really, I probably ended up eating a nice slice of pie total, but I got to taste them all and by the end of the 'Feast' I didn't feel stuffed to the gills, like I usually do on Thanksgiving. Plus, by dinner time I didn't feel guilty eating leftovers.

It was really fun. Maybe next year I'll do the same thing.

Science tells us that food loses its appeal after the first few bites. A report in the 1981 British Medical Bulletin confirmed that when food is available, we don’t eat just one thing. Our body instinctively searches for a variety of nutrients to support the biological systems that function to ensure our survival. This is why we still eat dessert after a filling meal.

The First Bite. The first bite wakes up your palate. 

The Second Bite. This bite is to experience flavor.

The Third Bite. The third bite is for pure pleasure.
(I don't know that I really thought of this while I was eating, I was just focused on seeing if this worked).

“It’s not a lack of will power as much as it is our overabundant and pleasure-stimulating food environment,” says Dr. David Kessler, former Yale Medical School dean and author of The End of Overeating.

We, as Americans, don't know when to stop.

Introduction to My Year of Firsts

When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?" 

"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" 
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.

I remember how, as a child, I loved waking up every day! There were places to explore, things to many things to learn about and dream about doing. I remember reading about the Titanic and becoming obsessed with it. I wanted to know everything about it. Or reading about the Biggest Mall in America and how there was a roller coaster in it, which incidentally, roller coasters terrify me!
Life was full of wonder and excitement. Life use to be fun. Exciting.

Lately, I can be full to the brim with gratitude and joy one day, wrecked to the rocks the next. I have to find a balance between the two and I don't want the little blue pill to be the answer. So, I will try to do one new thing that I've never done before, every day, for a year, and see if somewhere in there I can get to where I am like Piglet, and wake up wondering what's going to happen exciting today.