Day 158 - Count my Sugar Intake

“No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

The American Heart Association recommends 24g of sugar for females.  I'm not sure if this is added sugar, because an orange has 12g of sugar, and apple has 19g, which that alone would put you over your daily limit.  Milk has sugar, bread has 1g, cereal has sugar, oatmeal….everything has sugar.  So I feel like natural sugars don't count, but the added sugars are what they want you to watch.

So, aside from the chocolate cake I ate today, I didn't do too bad.  Try it and see what you come up with.  It's kind of amazing how much total sugar is consumed in one day-aside from chocolate cake for lunch.

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