Day 209 - Salt Lake City Cemetery & a Mystery

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."

Visited the Salt Lake City Cemetery for my first time this afternoon.  It was so peaceful and so beautiful.  The old headstones are my favorite.  Some were so old they seemed to be crumbling and others you couldn't read half of what was carved on them.  The variety of names and headstones was really amazing to see all together in one place.  War veterans, children, old headstones, brand new headstones, Jewish, Catholic, LDS, Indian, even a paupers field.

The Jewish cemetery was beautiful.  Some of the tombstones had what I assume is Hebrew written on them.  Why do family members place little stones on their families tombstones?  It seems a very sweet tradition.

Some of the tombstones were sad.  Little children-The Angel Monument for anyone who has lost a little child and the Wheelchair Monument for the little 9 year old boy were touching.  We ran across one that was a bench and the little 2 year old boy's family had left him some toy cars to play with.  I almost cried with that one.

Family members like these sisters that went within a month of each other, what illness did they have?  Ages 3, 7, 12 and Mary most likely sick on her 12th birthday.

But these two were the ones that moved me the most.  Their testimony shouts what they believe, even in death and maybe because they were always my heroes that I was especially excited to see them.  I didn't know they were buried in the Salt Lake Cemetery.  

Firm in the Faith of the Gospel

"My body sleeps for a moment, but my testimony lives and shall endure forever."
So much history here.  I would love to learn the stories behind all the people buried here.  I bet there are some really interesting ones.  We ran into one gentleman, and his son, who was their visiting his grandfather.  He told me his grandfather came into the valley with Brigham Young.  How cool is that!

The first pioneers to the valley almost starved to death that first year and then the crickets came and started eating their harvest before the Lord sent seagulls to eat the crickets.  I bet that gentleman has some amazing family stories to share!

There is even a mystery that surround the Cemetery.  The Unsolved mystery of Jean-Baptiste.  Jean-Baptiste was employed as the first grave digger for the Salt Lake City Cemetery.  The death of Moroni Clawson set off a chain of events that would etch Jean-Baptiste into the pages of Utah's Mysteries and Urban Legends forever.  Here is the story:

Those who knew and loved young Moroni Clawson were no doubt saddened by his death in January 1862 and may have even witnessed his burial in the city cemetery on the north bench of Salt Lake City. Several days later, however, their private grief turned public. An event had occurred that, according to outraged citizens and public officials, could not pass unnoticed and without severe consequences.
Only weeks before his death, Moroni Clawson had been arrested for participating in the sensational robbery and assault of Gov. John W. Dawson whose stormy relationship with the Mormons had prompted him to flee the territory. When the young man escaped from the penitentiary on January 17, he was pursued and shot down by a Salt Lake police officer. Since no one came forward to pay for a proper burial, Henry Heath of the city police department purchased, with his own money, Clawson's burial clothes. After witnessing the burial, Heath was surprised to learn a week later that, while uncovering the grave to move the body to a family cemetery, George Clawson, Moroni's brother, had discovered that the corpse was completely naked!
Heath quickly organized an investigation of the strange occurrence. Finding no evidence at the grave site, he continued his inquiry at the home of gravedigger Jean Baptiste. His wife invited the officers into the house. While there they noticed a stack of boxes in a corner of the room. One of the officers peeked inside a box and found neatly folded burial clothes. Upon further investigation it was discovered that Jean Baptiste had collected nearly 60 pairs of children's and adult's shoes, clothing, and personal belongings by robbing some 300 graves. He was arrested and sent to jail.
When news of the lurid discovery spread throughout the city, residents expressed both their horror and loathing of the crime. Mobs gathered at the jail, threatening to lynch the grave robber. Hundreds thronged to the city courthouse during his trial. In reaction to the situation, Brigham Young assured worried residents that the bodies of their loved ones would rise up in the resurrection wearing the original clothes in which they were buried. Meanwhile, police officers tried to correct part of the problem by putting all the burial clothes found in Baptiste's home in a large box and burying it in a single grave in the cemetery.
Still, the question of what to do with Jean Baptiste remained. Shunned even by his fellow inmates, he was not safe within or outside prison walls. Arguing that the prisoner's safety could not be guaranteed, city officials had Baptiste secretly placed in a wagon at night and taken across the Antelope Bar to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. He was soon moved to the more remote Fremont Island in order to prevent his wading ashore to the mainland.
Jean Baptiste's life in exile on Fremont Island was short-lived. Only three weeks after his arrival cattle herders came to the island to survey their animals. They discovered that a heifer had been killed and its hide tanned for leather. Lengths of wood had been torn from a small ranch house on the island, presumably to construct a raft. Leaving behind only these small traces of his existence and possible escape, Jean Baptiste was nowhere to be found.
The mystery of the eventual fate of Jean Baptiste has never been solved. When hunters found a skeleton with an iron clamp around its leg near the mouth of the Jordan River in March 1893, an article in the Salt Lake Tribune retold the story of Jean Baptiste and speculated that the skeleton belonged to the unfortunate convict. The Deseret News contested this theory by recording the statements of police officers Henry Heath and Albert Dewey confirming that Jean Baptiste was not wearing a ball and chain around his leg when he was placed on Fremont Island. This controversy added yet another puzzling element to the Jean Baptiste story. Even today the bizarre tale of his grave robberies and island exile remains a mystery in the annals of Utah history.

Day 208 - See a Tree cut by a Beaver

"Start by doing what's necessary;  then do what's possible;  and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
-St. Francis of Assisi

I have NEVER seen a tree cut by a beaver.  Today I saw one!!!!  Totally AWESOME!  It looks exactly like the cartoons.  There were actually several stumps and trees in one area.  We found the beaver lodge and where we think the beaver exits the water to get to the trees.

See the wood chips by the stump!  The log was laying just out of the picture.

Almost through!  I can't imagine how long this would take.

Day 207 - Macroinvertebrate Tally

"Think of success as a game of chance in which you have control over the odds.  As you begin to master concepts in personal achievements, you are increasing your odds of achieving success."
-Bo Bennett

Went up to Silver Lake today and found some Water Ecologists looking at some 'dishes' of water.  They were kind enough to explain what they were looking at and even game me a Tally Sheet of my own.  They love the water at Silver Lake because they get to see macroinvertebrates that they can't see in other Utah waterways because of pollutants.

We saw, to name a few:
  • Water Pennies (Super Small!)
  • Snails (Pouch Snails and Gilled)
  • Leeches (Another first for me and so gross!)
  • Damselfly Larva (which are SO cool!  They totally look like dragonflies-brilliant blue-when they are adults.  I will be going back up to watch for them!)
Snail (on bottom left)   Leech (kiddy corner above the Snail)

Damselfly Larva (looks a bit like a grasshopper)

If you ware interested in more, you can go to Cottonwood Canyon Foundation  They have free programs that they do, but they don't advertise, so you have to go to their website to find the dates.  

Here's what they have up right now.  
Wildflower Festival 2014 –
  • July 25, 26, 27
  • Brighton, Solitude, Alta, Snowbird.
  • Free naturalist-guided wildflower walks. Walks and hikes for all levels, kids’ walks with activities built-in, chairlift rides, music, kids’ art, and more!
  • Visit for schedules and details.
  • Volunteer guide training begins June 11th, 2014
Ongoing Family Nature Programs at Silver Lake –
  • Begins June 6th and runs through August.
  • Fridays 11 AM – Nature Story Time (approximately 20 minutes)
  • Saturdays 11 AM – Family Nature Walks (lasts approximately 1 hour)
  • For more information email or call 801-466-6411.

Day 206 - Tracy Aviary

"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
-Doug Firebaugh

This was my first ever time to Tracy Aviary and I was really surprised.  The Owl Forest was my favorite!  But the rest of the exhibits were really amazing.   I also loved the picnic and benches and chairs they had around, plus there was a lot of shade, which makes it nice in the summer.

I won't go into the shockingly rude encounters we had from other families there, but it has tainted me a bit.  When did mothers stop teaching their families manners?

Day 205 - Soft Pretzles

"Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
-Les Brown

Very Good!

Day 204 - Creekside Park

"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else."
-Lawrence J. Peter

Where else in the world can you go and spend a day with a view of the mountains, like this.  The literally stretch strait up from where you are.  Stunning!  To be able to play and eat lunch and enjoy perfect weather in a setting like this…well, life just doesn't get any better than this.

To find this park take 100 N off of Main Street in Alpine.  Then drive east to 600 E.

Day 203 - Create my Life Mission Statement

"Having a destination is like setting a needle in your compass. From then on, the compass knows only one point-its ideal.  And it will faithfully guide you there through the darkest nights and fiercest storms."
-Daniel Boone

Today I created my life Mission Statement.

To be humble.

To say thanks to God in some way, ever day.

To make my family and all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To laugh often & love much.

To play & laugh with enthusiasm.

To leave the world a little better, whether by a child, a garden patch, or bringing one soul to the knowledge of Jesus Christ & Heavenly Father.

To make one life easier, more beautiful for one person.

To appreciate the world around me.  

Day 202 - Shrinky Dinks

"If you really know what you want out of life, it's amazing how opportunities will come to enable you to carry them out."
-Dr. Goddard

When was the last time you remember playing with Shrinky Dinks?  I forgot how much fun these were.   

Day 201 - God Grew Tired of Us

"Thoughts become things."
-Mike Dooley

I read this book and was hooked, so I had to see the documentary.

I look at life a little differently now.


"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford

I have wanted to try kickboxing since high school.  This morning I woke up and went to the 6:00 am class at UCTC, for their kickboxing class and... IT… WAS… AWESOME!!!

The class felt like one big family.  I walked in (like a deer in the headlights) and they totally welcomed me in.  I felt at home right away.  They were so funny talking to each other I think I laughed the whole time.  Seriously, one big family!

It was a workout, but the hour went so fast and for the whole rest of the day I felt so energized.  I think I've found something that I totally love.   All day I kept thinking about how I wanted to go back.  Such a blast.

By the way, my blue nails match the mat...

Update:  This morning (next day) I woke up and I am sore, in such a good way.

Day 199 - Blue Fingernails????

"Imagination is everything.  it is the preview of life's coming attractions."
-Albert Einstein

I was very hesitant to do this 'first'.   Blue fingernails are not my thing, but it was daring and I'm even going to wear them rock climbing tonight.  (Yes, my Fred Flinstone feet hurt in my rock climbing shoes.  I have very square feet, that's what I get for running around barefoot all my life.)

I think I might like this color for Halloween or races or just to be crazy.  Don't look too close.  I've got fingernail polish all over outside my nails.  I'm a sloppy 'painter'.

Day 198 - Hill Aerospace Museum

"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe."
-Oprah Winfrey

This morning we headed off to the Hill Aerospace Museum.  It was raining crazy so we didn't get to walk around outside to see the HUGE airplanes, but inside was really fun.  

To get there take Exit 338.  Follow the road around until you see a sign that points toward the museum.  If you really want to impress your kids-or whoever you go with-here is some quick information that will make you sound very knowledgeable.

SR-Stealth Reconnaissance

Now you are ready to impress.

Also, if you go make sure you print off one of the scavenger hunts, it makes it really fun for the adults and for the children.  For example, the B-17 "Flying Fortress" - think Memphis Bell movie - carried 13 .50-caliber machine guns.  Can you find them all?  

Day 197 - Make a Rainbow Loom Rubberband Bracelet

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.” 
― Ansel Adams

These are really popular with the kids in our area, even my nephews make these.  So I tried my hand at it today and Wa-La!

Day 196 - Eat at the Lion House Pantry

“Adventure is not outside man; it is within.” 

Such great food!  It is best not to count calories here, but instead sit back and enjoy real comfort food!

Day 195 - Red Butte Gardens

“May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” 
― Trenton Lee Stewart

In all the years that I have lived in Utah I have never been to Red Butte Gardens.   Sad.  This place was amazing! If you have not ever gone and you live in Utah go try a new first.  They will not disappoint.

We took the suggested route on the map, for the most part.  There are trails that jut off into the unknown that beg to be explored, which is lovely to find in a garden like this.  The Pear Arbor was amazing.   I totally want to try that with my fruit trees.  Such a fun thing-I have never seen this done before and it's quite beautiful.

There are loads of fun resting benches and picnic spots, which was wonderful.  It made it so much more inviting and 'stay a while' attitude.  The step out places to eat are covered in shade so you can relax and they are a bit private so you feel like you are eating in private while really you are in this amazing garden with lots of people walking around.
Picnic Spot

The ponds were stunning!  My boys loved feeding the fish and the ducks (thanks nice couple that bought fish/duck food for my boys).  They though it was funny to see the ducklings and the fish fight over the food.

They have a Children's garden that really is a children's garden.  It was marvelous!   There were mazes-only child size, and fountains and a sandbox with shade over it so kids can play and play as long as they want.  Splash pads and waterfalls and so many fun places to explore and the plants are kid friendly plants.  It was so much fun!  I'm not sure what we liked more, the Gardens or the Children's Garden.

Amazing place!  Well worth the price of admission!

Oak Tunnel

My Dream Pot

Day 194 - Make Fruit Pizza

“Even blind alleys lead somewhere.” 
― Marty Rubin

I've had this recipe tagged in my cookbook for the past year.  Now that fresh fruit is out it is time to make it.  

Made the cookie crust with my niece.  Yum.  Made the cream cheese frosting too, she loved the frosting!  It was the first time she had ever tasted it so it was fun to see a child truly trying something for the first time and loving it.  Their eyes light up and they get this smile….priceless.

Then I let all the kids decorate it and we ate it.  So much fun to make this with kids.  It really is a kids dessert.

Day 193 - Test my 'Elements' Knowledge

“No, this trick won't work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? ” 
― Albert Einstein

The library had an 'elements' test adults could participate in, just for fun.  I haven't looked at a periodic chart since collage.  I did really well, until Arsenic.  Gold.  Lead.  and another element I can't remember.  If I had seen this cool periodic table before I think I could have done ok!  Look how cool this is.  

This was fun, especially since it wasn't a grade.  By the way.  Gold=Au.  Arsenic=As.  Lead=Pb

Day 192 - Watched my First Horse Race

“The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back.” 
― Amber Senti

I have never watched a horse race-ever, but there was a lot of hype about the Belmont Stakes and the chance for California Chrome to win the Triple Crown.  So I figured if I was going to watch a race, this would be the one to watch.   

I don't think I could ever bet on a horse, but it was really fun to watch.
I can see why people love going to a horse race.

Day 191 - Try Sweet Potato Fries

“I love you like a fat kid loves cake!” 
― Scott Adams

I totally laughed when I saw this quote.  That is me!

Tried Sweet Potato Fries today.  They were sweeter than I expected.   Fun experience!

Day 190 - Rock Climbing!!!

“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” 
― Barry Finlay

Took my first Rock Climbing Class, ever!  I liked the guy instructor best.  He showed us how to climb effectively and how to taught us how to Belay.  And…I got my Belay Certification-YEAH ME!!!

The automatic belayer is scary!  I could not climb higher than the bouldering line and then I didn't trust it to let me down, so like a nerd I then climbed down.  You can laugh at me.  My hubby totally did.  But I'm not the only one scared.  The Tongan in our class totally got scared too-he was braver than me and let go of the rocks but he fell flat on his back.  So I am justified in being scared.

This class was so much fun!  If you want an adult only class find one and take one.  Our local rec. center hosted this.  It's an adult only class, which makes it nice.


Update: I can now climb with the automatic belayer.

Day 189 - Paint my Fingernails & Toenails

"You have NEVER worn nail polish before, Mom."
-my son

I went with the bright pink.  My sons wondered what I was doing.  I wonder what my hubby will say when he gets home? 

Day 188 - Julep

Got my first Julep box today-basically for free.  It had an $80 value but I only paid $3.  I'm not going to lie- after the Mercoloco box I was a bit worried.  I figured there was a reason they gave away stuff for free.      
But I was pleasantly surprised by today's box.  So excited in fact that I do want to tell my friends.  I got
three nail polishes.  Lipstick Gloss, Eyeliner-with a sharpener!!!  Can I even tell you how excited I am to have a real eyeliner sharpener!  So brilliant.  And a candy stick-watermelon-yum!

Now there is something you should know about me.  I do not wear nail polish and I never wear lipstick.  Lipstick has always tasted gross so I haven't worn any since high school.  And honestly I like the look of the color of my lips with chapstick on, so I've never wanted to wear lipstick.  But delving into firsts I tried this on and I love it.  It doesn't taste-which is a HUGE requirement for me.  Doesn't smell-also HUGE.  And actually looks good on me.  I am going to add this to my new makeup look.
The nail polish.  If I'm going to wear nail polish I'm going to go for light pink or clear coat.  But look how cute these bottles are!!!  I mean- seriously cute!  So tomorrow I will delve into the world of nail polish.  The blue would be most daring for me, so maybe I'll go in-between and do the bright pink.  

 What I found out about Nail Polish Color

Blue nail polish. 
Dark blue colour can be associated with deep waters of the blue ocean and light blue – with the pure blue sky. A Girl who choses these kind of colours can be close to nature, she feels young at heart, kind and loyal. To wear a blue colour on your nails requires somewhat a daring character, so the girl who can do this has her own strong opinions, her free spirit is ready to experiment. She desires to stand out of the crowd and emphasises her uniqueness to the whole world!

Tender pink (or pale pink) nail polish.
Pale pink nail polish always looks neat, but is not as “shouty” as bright pink, for example. Usually, ladies who chose this kind of colour have tender and loving nature or they strive to receive more love, warmth and tenderness into their life.

Bright pink nail polish.
A girl who prefers bright pink is posh, confident, daring and sexy, she loves to draw attention and knows that pink nails won’t stay unnoticed. She has positive and optimistic character, is 100% confident in the way she looks and lives her life without any worry.

Day 187 - First Trail Run

“I run because if I didn’t, I’d be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch. I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary. I run…to savor the trip along the way. Life becomes a little more vibrant, a little more intense. I like that.” 
― Dean Karnazes

Went on my first trail run this morning with some girlfriends.  I keep thinking about it, which must mean I'm hooked!  

Sorry for the blurry photo.  But I'm trying to get better about documenting my firsts and well, I was running…

UPDATE:   I'm totally hooked to trail running.  After having gone a couple more times I think I've found something I really want to do a lot.  

Day 186 - Host a Water Party….without any Water

“What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” 
― J. Sidlow Baxter

My son wanted an end of school water party.  So we got one all set up.  Sent out invitations.  And then I was notified by the water company that due to construction they would be turning my water off the next day-the day of the party.  So I ran to the dollar store and bought more water balloons and some squirt guns and some prizes so we could do more of a game challenge than a free play on the slip-n-slide and water balloon fights.  Did I mention I came down with one of those awful summer colds?

Got up early and filled the pool, every container and cooler I could find and I was ready.  They turned the water off.  Then my little one sat on the edge of the pool and emptied it.  Did I mention it was the last day of school so there were teacher parties and my other son was invited to another water party at the exact same time?  Oh, and this head cold his horrid.

Then I went out front to put a PARTY sign up and the construction company was digging a huge hole at the end of my driveway.  Totally blocking all sign of my house with their huge trucks.

You cannot script a disaster like this.  I just typed a text to postponed the party when the first little boy arrived, so now I was on.  The little boys did not want to play games-mostly one little trouble child that if I had known more about I would not have invited him-so instead of fighting-I let them play.  They ran out of water and balloons rather quickly.  300 water balloons does not last long with little boys.  Just in case you are ever wondering.

I have survived.  The party is over.  I am going crawl in bed with my pajamas and some chicken noodle soup- that will soon be ready.

Thinking back I just want to laugh.  One thing after another!  But I just rolled with it and did what I could.  Last year this would have thrown me for the biggest loop.  Today I overcame.


Day 185 - Shop at the Dollar Store

“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud --- the obstacles of life and its suffering. ... The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. ... Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ” 
― Goldie Hawn

I have never shopped a the Dollar Store-ever.  Why?  They have great party stuff there.  Here are my finds for $20.

Day 184 - Kids Zumba

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching"
― William W. Purkey

The library had a Kids Zumba party this afternoon, which was a blast!  It was pretty cool to see all the moms making fools of themselves with their kids and not really worrying what anyone thought.  This was my first Zumba.  Granted, it was kids Zumba so I'm not sure how Zumba-y it was but it was a blast.

Totally love my library!

Day 183 - Attend an Outdoor Concert in a Park

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” 
― Henry James

I don't know that I have words for my first concert in a park.  It was…wow.  The kids played frisby while my hubby and I sat on the blanket and talked.  And all the while the Joe Friday Band played amazing music.  The park was full of kids playing and adults sitting in chairs or on blankets.  It was a real neighborhood feel, where everyone was happy and friendly.  The weather couldn't have been more beautiful.

This will definitely be a family tradition!

Day 184 - Ride Down Rush

“Saw a little girl touch a big bug and shout, "I conquered my fear! YES!" and calmly walk away. I was inspired.” 
― Nathan Fillion

Rush.  This is a name that has haunted me.  It sounds fast. And I am not fast.  It sounds like competition.  I am not competitive.  It sounds like, "out of my way."  And I don't want to be in anyone's way.

This downhill trail is one that I have avoided.  But today my husband and his friends (and me) rode to the top of Corner Canyon-1006 feet or something like that.  A new first for me.  And then we rode down Rush.  I told my husband last year when he started teaching me how Mt. Bike, that I would go my own speed and go with him or I wouldn't go at all.  He is a speed demon and I will not ride and feel pressured.  I carry enough of my own pressure as it is, I don't need someone else's.

So when we headed down Rush, I went my speed and I didn't really hold anyone up.  I let the guys go first because they are faster and I could usually hear if someone was coming up behind me so I'd find a spot and let them past.  Most everyone was super nice if they did catch up to me.  Still, I like Canyon Hollow much better.

Still,  this was really fun!!!!  Loved the downhill.

Day 183 - Donate to a Bake Sale

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I swear I posted this earlier, but I must not have.  I baked a cake and donated it to a bake sale-a totally terrifying thing for me to do.  And I just want to kiss those teenage boys who purchased it for $40.  They totally made me feel like the best cook in the world!  I swear I had a picture of my cake too, but I can't find it.