Day 207 - Macroinvertebrate Tally

"Think of success as a game of chance in which you have control over the odds.  As you begin to master concepts in personal achievements, you are increasing your odds of achieving success."
-Bo Bennett

Went up to Silver Lake today and found some Water Ecologists looking at some 'dishes' of water.  They were kind enough to explain what they were looking at and even game me a Tally Sheet of my own.  They love the water at Silver Lake because they get to see macroinvertebrates that they can't see in other Utah waterways because of pollutants.

We saw, to name a few:
  • Water Pennies (Super Small!)
  • Snails (Pouch Snails and Gilled)
  • Leeches (Another first for me and so gross!)
  • Damselfly Larva (which are SO cool!  They totally look like dragonflies-brilliant blue-when they are adults.  I will be going back up to watch for them!)
Snail (on bottom left)   Leech (kiddy corner above the Snail)

Damselfly Larva (looks a bit like a grasshopper)

If you ware interested in more, you can go to Cottonwood Canyon Foundation  They have free programs that they do, but they don't advertise, so you have to go to their website to find the dates.  

Here's what they have up right now.  
Wildflower Festival 2014 –
  • July 25, 26, 27
  • Brighton, Solitude, Alta, Snowbird.
  • Free naturalist-guided wildflower walks. Walks and hikes for all levels, kids’ walks with activities built-in, chairlift rides, music, kids’ art, and more!
  • Visit for schedules and details.
  • Volunteer guide training begins June 11th, 2014
Ongoing Family Nature Programs at Silver Lake –
  • Begins June 6th and runs through August.
  • Fridays 11 AM – Nature Story Time (approximately 20 minutes)
  • Saturdays 11 AM – Family Nature Walks (lasts approximately 1 hour)
  • For more information email or call 801-466-6411.

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