“Saw a little girl touch a big bug and shout, "I conquered my fear! YES!" and calmly walk away. I was inspired.”
― Nathan Fillion
Rush. This is a name that has haunted me. It sounds fast. And I am not fast. It sounds like competition. I am not competitive. It sounds like, "out of my way." And I don't want to be in anyone's way.
This downhill trail is one that I have avoided. But today my husband and his friends (and me) rode to the top of Corner Canyon-1006 feet or something like that. A new first for me. And then we rode down Rush. I told my husband last year when he started teaching me how Mt. Bike, that I would go my own speed and go with him or I wouldn't go at all. He is a speed demon and I will not ride and feel pressured. I carry enough of my own pressure as it is, I don't need someone else's.
So when we headed down Rush, I went my speed and I didn't really hold anyone up. I let the guys go first because they are faster and I could usually hear if someone was coming up behind me so I'd find a spot and let them past. Most everyone was super nice if they did catch up to me. Still, I like Canyon Hollow much better.
Still, this was really fun!!!! Loved the downhill.
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