Day 195 - Red Butte Gardens

“May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” 
― Trenton Lee Stewart

In all the years that I have lived in Utah I have never been to Red Butte Gardens.   Sad.  This place was amazing! If you have not ever gone and you live in Utah go try a new first.  They will not disappoint.

We took the suggested route on the map, for the most part.  There are trails that jut off into the unknown that beg to be explored, which is lovely to find in a garden like this.  The Pear Arbor was amazing.   I totally want to try that with my fruit trees.  Such a fun thing-I have never seen this done before and it's quite beautiful.

There are loads of fun resting benches and picnic spots, which was wonderful.  It made it so much more inviting and 'stay a while' attitude.  The step out places to eat are covered in shade so you can relax and they are a bit private so you feel like you are eating in private while really you are in this amazing garden with lots of people walking around.
Picnic Spot

The ponds were stunning!  My boys loved feeding the fish and the ducks (thanks nice couple that bought fish/duck food for my boys).  They though it was funny to see the ducklings and the fish fight over the food.

They have a Children's garden that really is a children's garden.  It was marvelous!   There were mazes-only child size, and fountains and a sandbox with shade over it so kids can play and play as long as they want.  Splash pads and waterfalls and so many fun places to explore and the plants are kid friendly plants.  It was so much fun!  I'm not sure what we liked more, the Gardens or the Children's Garden.

Amazing place!  Well worth the price of admission!

Oak Tunnel

My Dream Pot

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