Day 186 - Host a Water Party….without any Water

“What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” 
― J. Sidlow Baxter

My son wanted an end of school water party.  So we got one all set up.  Sent out invitations.  And then I was notified by the water company that due to construction they would be turning my water off the next day-the day of the party.  So I ran to the dollar store and bought more water balloons and some squirt guns and some prizes so we could do more of a game challenge than a free play on the slip-n-slide and water balloon fights.  Did I mention I came down with one of those awful summer colds?

Got up early and filled the pool, every container and cooler I could find and I was ready.  They turned the water off.  Then my little one sat on the edge of the pool and emptied it.  Did I mention it was the last day of school so there were teacher parties and my other son was invited to another water party at the exact same time?  Oh, and this head cold his horrid.

Then I went out front to put a PARTY sign up and the construction company was digging a huge hole at the end of my driveway.  Totally blocking all sign of my house with their huge trucks.

You cannot script a disaster like this.  I just typed a text to postponed the party when the first little boy arrived, so now I was on.  The little boys did not want to play games-mostly one little trouble child that if I had known more about I would not have invited him-so instead of fighting-I let them play.  They ran out of water and balloons rather quickly.  300 water balloons does not last long with little boys.  Just in case you are ever wondering.

I have survived.  The party is over.  I am going crawl in bed with my pajamas and some chicken noodle soup- that will soon be ready.

Thinking back I just want to laugh.  One thing after another!  But I just rolled with it and did what I could.  Last year this would have thrown me for the biggest loop.  Today I overcame.


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