Day 65 - Donate my Drinks

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” 
― Desmond Tutu

I got some dinner at McDonalds, but didn't really want the soda drinks.  I was just getting ready to walk out with my order when the cross country boy team came in.  They must have just finished a workout, because they were in their workout clothes.  So instead of just throwing the cups in the recycle bin, the drinks went to some boys that could probably use the extra calories.

hmm, wonder if they drink soda while they are training?

Day 64 - Plank Pose Challenge

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back."
― Paulo Coelho

If you google 'plank pose challenges', you will find 4 minutes plank challenges, 5 minute plank challenges, etc.  I just wanted to see if I could do it for 3 minutes and I'm not going to lie.  OUCH!  My arms are not very strong.  I got so tired and it really didn't help that I was so utterly focused on this that I think I was more aware of every discomfort than if I had been watching tv or reading a book while doing this.

I did it.  But I did have to do a modified plank pose in between.

Day 63 - Fly a Kite in Winter

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
-Anais Nin

It was so windy today I thought for sure I would be able to fly a kite in my back yard.  Alas, I think my kite is afraid to fly.  Afraid to lift high into the sky and see the world anew.  Afraid to reach up and touch the sky.  My poor kite.

My kite was how I felt so much of last year.  I had 'strings' that held me back.  Imaginary and real strings.  But instead of using those 'strings' to help me stretch and eventually fly, like my kite, I let them tether me to the ground, like Gulliver.  I trapped myself.

But now the strings are lifting me and helping me fly and I'm finding that each day brings a new surprise.  Some planned.  Some…a total surprise.  But I am beginning to fly and the world is a beautiful place.

Day 62 - Try a Costco Pizza

When you have a strong middle class, they want to buy more stuff at Costco.
-James Sinegal

Cooked my first Costco pizza tonight.  It wasn't bad.  Normally I stay away from frozen pizzas, pizzas you have to cook at home.  But this one wasn't too bad.

Day 61 - Don't look in a Mirror all Day

Have you ever tried putting your contacts in without looking in the mirror?  Not looking in the mirror makes you aware of how often you do look in the mirror.

Month 2 Recap

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney 

Two months have passed and I feel so happy.  Some days the new firsts aren't as exciting.  But I have some really fun firsts planned, ones that I would not have thought of doing or acted on before.  Now I don't procrastinate what 'fun' I can have.  I am only dictated by my budget, which makes it fun too, because I am finding A LOT of things you can do for a first time that are free.  Like getting my eyebrows waxed, which I was the most afraid of doing and loved after!

Looking back over the month I have done some really fun things.  A spur of the moment trip to Zions.  Going to the Torchlight Parade at Snowbird.  Sledding down the Snow Rock Slide-total blast!  The Ice Castle, which if you go and find a pair of Oakley black sunglasses frozen in the ice somewhere, they are mine.  

I have discovered the I don't like green smoothies-blah, but I can see how it will help get veggies and fruit into your diet if you don't eat a lot of those things.  And I found Barre3, which I love.  Their workouts work for me, I can squeeze them into my day at weird moments.  

It's been a really fun month.  10 months for this goal and a lifetime to go!  If you have any ideas let me know.

Day 60 - A day with No Electronics

“It is one of the unexpected disasters of the modern age that our new unparalleled access to information has come at the price of our capacity to concentrate on anything much. The deep, immersive thinking which produced many of civilization's most important achievements has come under unprecedented assault. We are almost never far from a machine that guarantees us a mesmerizing and libidinous escape from reality. The feelings and thoughts which we have omitted to experience while looking at our screens are left to find their revenge in involuntary twitches and our ever-decreasing ability to fall asleep when we should.” 
― Alain de Botton,

Can you go a day without electronics?  Can you go without the computer?  Cell phone?  TV?  This was really easy, till the end of the day.   Then our favorite family tv show came on and I didn't want to be left out.  So down I sat.

Day 59 - Form a Bookclub

Any book that helps a chid to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.
-Maya Angelou

I like to read the books my boys read.  That way we can talk about them.   My oldest has branched into books I've not read before, imagine that!  Him a boy and me a girl.  So we have formed an informal book club.  If I have not read it before, I will get the book and read it too.  We are reading Eragon right now.  LOVE IT!  If you have not read it before and you like adventure stories, this is a great book!

Day 58 - Ballet Beautiful

Ballet is like dreaming on your feet.

Tried a Ballet Beautiful DVD today, from the library.  The swan arm routine about broke my arms off. I didn't think they could hurt so bad with such a simple exercise.   The exercises are nice, stretching exercises, but I hate the repetition and the constant counting.  I think I will keep a few exercises in my 'folder' to do, but there is no way I could do this even three times a week.  

Day 57 - Try Millionaire's Shortbread

All you need is love.  But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.
-Charles M. Schulz

Let's face it.  Anything with chocolate added to it is a good thing.  If you have not tried this either make it (recipe following) or Sweet Tooth Fairy has it.  YUMMY!

2 c flour
1/2 c sugar
2 sticks butter
Blend  to make smooth dough.  Press into base of pan and prick with a fork.  Chill for 15 minutes before baking 25-30 minutes. 325 degrees.

1 3/4 sticks butter
1 c sugar
3 Tbsp honey
14 oz can condensed milk
Bring to a boil then cook gently for 5-8 minutes until thick and golden brown.  Stir constantly.

Pour evenly over cold shortbread and leave to cool.
Melt 7 oz dark chocolate and pour over toffee.  Place in fridge to set.


Day 56 - Learn what Sunflower Butter is

SunButter® is a great tasting alternative to peanut butter.

Sunflower butter looks just like peanut butter.  It was made for people with nut allergies.  To see more check out this website:
Sunflower butter

Day 55 - Try a Green Smoothie

Not all  smoothies are created equal.

I'm going to make a 'Perfect Green Smoothie'  
1 banana
2 apples
2 c kale
2 Tbs flaxseed, ground
2 c almond milk

other stuff is suppose to go in there, but maple syrup in a smoothie sounds gross to me and I have no idea what sunflower butter is.  Ah, maybe a first for tomorrow!

-I'm not gonna lie.  I had to psych myself up to taste this.  The almond milk almost made me puke just looking at it.  But the smoothie really isn't that bad.  It might take me a while to drink it all, it made a whole blender full and I know my family will take one look at it and say, "no thanks".

I've tried some more smoothies.  I don't think they are for me.  blah.

Day 54 - Run a mile in 10 minutes

“The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” 
― John Bingham,

Yeah, that didn't work too well.
I tried.
I almost died.
I don't know the last time I ran a mile in 10 minutes or less.
I made it .95 miles.
It took me 10 minutes to feel like I could breath again.
I'm more of a jogger than a sprinter.
Either that or running on a treadmill is harder than running outside.
Outside I can run a mile in 11 minutes easy, so I thought 10 minutes would not be that hard.
Maybe I'll have to try in the summer and see if I can do it.  If it makes a difference running outside.

Day 53 - Deep Condition my Hair

“All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

The winter is wreaking havoc on my hair.  It doesn't help that I wear a hat twice a day.  It's frizzy and static feeling and needing some love.  So today I'm deep conditioning my hair.  If you came to my house right now you'd find me in a lovely shower cap, think 50's style, and comfy clothes and in a minute I'm going to sit down and read a good book!  Ah lovely day.

Later….this shower cap is making my head itchy feeling.  My head feels cold and wet.

Even later….I'm suppose to leave a shower cap on for 6-8 hours with conditioner in my hair.  It's been 3 hours.  I'm going to have to take it off.

WOW!  My hair feels awesome!  It feels so soft and looks so shiny.  The ends feel soft.  How have I never heard of this before?  I'm doing this again next month!

Day 52 - Winter in Zion National Park

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” 
― John Muir,

We woke up and went into Zions.  We've never been during the winter, and it was chilly, but…amazing without the crowds there.  We always meet the nicest people in Zions.  Seriously, always!  We stopped to do the Emerald Pools hike and as we were crossing the bridge from the parking lot a lady stopped us and asked if we had a camera she could take a picture of us together, "Mom's always get left out of pictures and you need to have some with your children."  She said she booked the hotel in Springdale by accident and her husband was really grouchy about driving through the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.  She kept telling him, "I bet in the morning this is going to be beautiful."  Then she pointed down to the trail across he river, "That's him down there.  The one with the camera."   What is the old saying, nothing happens by mistake.

The weather was beautiful!  I think I like Zions better during the winter than the spring.

Day 51 - Stay in a Cabin in Rockville

“Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” 
― Maya Angelou,

Our friends invited us to stay with them at their parent's farmhouse/cabin in Rockville.  This place is awesome!  It's right behind the Rockville cemetery, which has tons of old pioneer headstones and loads of charm.  It's one of those beautiful cemeteries you want to visit.  And the back yard, well lets just say you can see Zion's in their backyard.  It was awesome!  Such a spur of the moment trip.  And the stars are incredible!

Day 50 - Winter Stargazing

You can enjoy stargazing just by going out and learning a couple constellations with your kids.
-Timothy Ferriss

My boys got a stargazing map for Christmas.  Last night we took it out and looked at Orion.  During the winter he is close to the horizon in the East.  We could make out one shoulder, one knee, a little bit of the bow, and all of his belt.  Here is the story behind Orion.

The Constellation Orion the Hunter
Antique engraving of Orion the Hunter.
The figure of Orion the Hunter, as imagined by Johannes Hevelius in the 1600s. Other artists have drawn Orion differently, sometimes facing us.
Diagram showing the constellation Orion.
Orion as a stick-figure, with club and shield. The orange circle shows the location of the Orion Nebula within the constellation.
Photograph of the night sky where Orion is located.
Could you identify Orion the Hunter? For more information about where and when to look, go toTonight's Sky and watch the February show.
The Greek myth behind the constellation Orion the Hunter.
Orion the Hunter appears in the winter sky, with his bow and his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor, trailing behind him.
Greek mythology tells us that Orion was known as a talented hunter. His boast that he could rid the earth of all the wild animals, however, angered the Earth goddess, Gaia. She sent a scorpion to defeat Orion. Orion tried to battle the scorpion, but he quickly realized that he could not shoot his arrow through the creature’s armor.
To avoid the scorpion, he jumped into the sea. It was then that Apollo (the Greek god of the Sun) decided to take action. He pointed out to his twin sister, Artemis, a small black object in the sea. Claiming it was a horrible villain, he dared her to shoot it with her bow and arrow. Artemis easily hit the target. When she swam out to retrieve her victim, however, she discovered that the villain was her friend, Orion.

Artemis begged the gods to bring Orion back to life, but they refused. So, instead, she put Orion’s picture in the sky so that she could always see him.

Day 49 - Barre 3 Workout

barre 3 where ballet barre meets yoga and pilates
-barre 3
Since becoming a stay at home mom…well, lets just say my gym has become my home and outdoors.  So I was super excited to stumble up Barre 3.  They unfortunately do not have a studio in Utah, yet, but they do offer online workouts which are wonderful.  Barre 3 is a combination of ballet, yoga and pilates.

This is the perfect workout for moms.  Some days you only get 10 minutes snatches of time, other days you get 30 minutes.  These workouts allow you to choose the times you want -10, 30, 40 or 60 minutes, so no matter what you have going on during the day you can get a workout in.

They also have a lot of different workout options.  Runner's Workout, Total Body, Body Burner, barre 3; Studio, etc.  The beautiful thing is, all of these workouts are designed to lengthen and tone your body, so you aren't building a lot of bulk.

I tried three different options today.  Re-energize: Total Body.   Ballet Core.   And Runner's Workout:  Glutes + Core.   These classes look simple, but I'm telling you, your heart rate will get up there.  They offer 15 day free trial and then a monthly subscription for $10.  You get classes, recipes, and tons more.

Check them out

Day 48 - Learn (TRY) to Juggle

When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap. 
~Cynthia Heimel,

I think I am better at trying to juggle the things in my life than I am at juggling.  I can juggle just fine with two things, but three is a totally different story!  Maybe I just lack the hand eye coordination to do this or maybe I'm so focused on the one in the air I forget about the two in my hand.  This sounds like my life.  I wonder how many times I am focused on the 'what if' or 'the worry' that I forget about the beautiful things right there in my grasp each day.  

Day 47 - Participate in an Opera

Opera is where a guy gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings.
-Rober Burns

I was watching Curious George with my little one this morning, Betsy is sad she can't go to the Opera because she has chicken pox.  George goes for her and then puts on an opera of his own for her.  It made me wonder, is there a children's opera anywhere in Utah?

There isn't.  But this website Opera for Kids (and adults who know nothing about opera) (that is not the name of the website) provides a children's opera where the kids get to interact and help during the opera of Hansel and Gretel.  It's really fun!  And the music is beautiful!  I closed my eyes to just listen…yeah, couldn't understand a word but the music and singing was incredible!  They do have the words playing underneath so you can see what they are saying.  My other son played with me and loved it.  So if you have kids, or are like me and have no idea what Opera is about, this is a wonderful website.

You get to help with set design, clothing design, music, all sorts of fun things.  It really is a wonderful way to introduce yourself and your children to the world of music.

Day 46 - Whiten my Teeth

“Love is a great beautifier.” 
― Louisa May Alcott

Can I just say, whiten looks like it is spelled wrong to me, and I question my spelling more than I ever did before because I swear I've lost all spelling ability since I started texting.  But I looked it up and it is spelled correctly.

I whitened my teeth today.  First time I've done this for 5 years.  I hate the goopy sensation and the slobber when I take my trays off.  Blah.  But as Jo March says, "Let us be elegant, or die!"

Day 45 - Get Waxed at European Wax

Beauty awakens the soul to act.
-Dante Alighieri

I got my eyebrows waxed at the European Wax Center.  I have never been waxed, not ever!  My only requirement was that I did not want to come out looking surprised.

My esthetician was Whitney, she was great.  She told me, with a mirror, everything she was going to do, so I could see.  It hurt, I'm not going to lie, but no more than a shot.  They use just wax, no paper, which was kind of cool.  And I have to say, my eyebrows have never looked so good.  EVER!  I'm totally going back!

If you are interested in going, a first time visit is free.

Check them out at: European Wax Center

Day 44 - Try a Kouing Aman

Seize the moment.  Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.  
~Erma Bombeck

Pronounced, Queen Aman.  

A new bakery opened up, and I looking for a first, I drove in on a whim.  There were desserts there I have never seen before, they looked amazing!  I figured since it was still morning I should try one of their European Pastries.  When the lady showed me the bottom of the Kouing Aman that was all I needed.  Carmelized and crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside, with these amazing spices folded between the flakes.  Yeah.  It was good!

Day 43 - Don't Swear for a Whole Day

Must swear off from swearing.  Bad habit.
-Rutherford B. Hayes

So originally I was going to go for a day of no sweets.  But I ate some chocolate chips.  Which makes me wonder.  Everywhere you turn now people are saying Dark Chocolate is actually good for you.  So wouldn't that make it a food group?  It's a necessary food group for me.  I need my chocolate every day.  Maybe I could do a day of no sweets sans chocolate.

So I had to change my first to something else.  Hence the no swearing for a day.  I don't mean to swear.   I really try not to swear, but that dinner time rolls around….the cursed time of night for every mother I know.  The Scottish in my ignites like a fuse and I explode.  The swear words I have held back flow freely and then just as quickly I am done and feeling guilty for loosing my temper and guilty for swearing and guilty for setting a bad example.  No one ever told me how much guilt a mother can carry.

So far today:  Swear words-none  Happy mom-one

Day 42 - Pay off a Debt

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” 
― Dave Ramsey

Today I payed off a debt I've been working on paying off for a while.  I'm SO excited!!!!

Day 41 - Say Yes

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
-Muhammad Ali

This morning a fellow crossing guard asked if I could sub for her.  Normally I say no to babysitting, subbing, etc.  I'm really a very selfish person and need to serve others more.

Turns out she is a neighbor I have been looking at for a year and wanting to meet, but was too shy to go over and say anything too.   (see what a coward I am…was).

And, I meet someone who needs a bit of help and I can help her!

So this first was a totally awesome first for so many reasons!

Day 40 - Read as long as my boys want me to read

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
-Frederick Douglass

Usually I set a limit:  one chapter; I'll read until 8:00 or 8:30; etc.  We were dreading going back to school after the Christmas Break and we had started a really good book, so I read as long as the boys wanted me to read.  At least I read until they were tired enough to be able to go to right to sleep.

Day 39 - Learn how to do something from YouTube

Develop a passion for learning.  If you do you will never cease to grow.
-Anthony J. D'Angelo

I tried to make a towel frog.  Tried.  My son was sweet and said, "Oh yeah mom, it looks like a frog.  See there are it's legs…"

I am not good at towel art.  But I am good at my magic trick!

Day 38 - Sign up for a Free Online College Course

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
-Nelson Mandela

I signed up for a free online college course through MIT.  Harvard and Yale also provide free classes if you want to check it out.  Then you can say you took a class from Harvard or Yale…

This is a Psychology class that discusses why we feel and the processes that affect how/why we feel.  I love psychology so …we'll see what I think of the class.

Day 37 - Slide down the Snow Rock Slide

When someone makes a decision, he is really going into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.
-Paulo Coelho

One of my favorite hikes is up Little Cottonwood Canyon.  It isn't far from home and the kids can run and climb and play and we can get out of the gunk into the sun for a while.  I think there is nothing so beautiful as a river in winter.  The rocks are covered in ice and snow.  The banks of the river and around rocks are coated in ice.  The river flows under the ice and snow.  It's quiet and there is so much to look at and admire.

Today we saw a giant Mountain Goat.  He was standing up on this rock looking right down at us.  We didn't binoculars or anything to see how massive he was.  It's the first time I've ever seen a goat in Little Cottonwood Canyon.   What I would have given for my camera!

We also found a snow slide which was a blast to slide down.  There is quite a large rock further down the trail and someone had made a rock snow slide.  On top of the rock you could see for ever and it was so quiet, the only thing you could hear was the river moving slowly through the ice and snow behind us.  The start was nice and slow and then VOOOMMMM it spits you out about halfway down the rock and you land at the bottom out of breath, laughing and on your feet.

We will be going back, with our camera!

Day 36 - Play Like a Child all Day

A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
-George Bernard Shaw

We woke up and were planning on going snowshoeing, but the day morphed into something wonderful.  I played whatever games my children wanted to play.  Candyland and Mario Cart occupied a great chunk of the day.  Trains and Reading and Despicable Me followed.  It's been the most relaxing, fun day in a long time.  Today is a day when I truly have not looked at the clock it's passed so quickly and smoothly. 

Day 35 - Ice Castles

Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air.  They are where they should be.  Not put the foundations under them.
-Henry David Thoreau

Went up to Midway to see the Ice Castle.  It was Amazing!  If you haven't gone, go.  It is really fun.

Day 34 - Attend the Snowbird Torchlight Parade & Fireworks

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

For New Year's Eve we went to Snowbird to watch the Torchlight Parade & Fireworks.  The bonfires were awesome.  It was snowing just a bit and the air was clean and so nice!  I think to be in the torchlight parade would be fun.  It would require me learning how to ski, but January is National Learn to Ski/Snowboard Month, so who knows.

Day 33 - Buy a Pomegranate

I have never purchased a pomegranate before.  So today I did.  Seeded it, which wasn't bad at all, and made a Pomegranate Christmas Salad.  YUM!