Day 37 - Slide down the Snow Rock Slide

When someone makes a decision, he is really going into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.
-Paulo Coelho

One of my favorite hikes is up Little Cottonwood Canyon.  It isn't far from home and the kids can run and climb and play and we can get out of the gunk into the sun for a while.  I think there is nothing so beautiful as a river in winter.  The rocks are covered in ice and snow.  The banks of the river and around rocks are coated in ice.  The river flows under the ice and snow.  It's quiet and there is so much to look at and admire.

Today we saw a giant Mountain Goat.  He was standing up on this rock looking right down at us.  We didn't binoculars or anything to see how massive he was.  It's the first time I've ever seen a goat in Little Cottonwood Canyon.   What I would have given for my camera!

We also found a snow slide which was a blast to slide down.  There is quite a large rock further down the trail and someone had made a rock snow slide.  On top of the rock you could see for ever and it was so quiet, the only thing you could hear was the river moving slowly through the ice and snow behind us.  The start was nice and slow and then VOOOMMMM it spits you out about halfway down the rock and you land at the bottom out of breath, laughing and on your feet.

We will be going back, with our camera!

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