Day 47 - Participate in an Opera

Opera is where a guy gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings.
-Rober Burns

I was watching Curious George with my little one this morning, Betsy is sad she can't go to the Opera because she has chicken pox.  George goes for her and then puts on an opera of his own for her.  It made me wonder, is there a children's opera anywhere in Utah?

There isn't.  But this website Opera for Kids (and adults who know nothing about opera) (that is not the name of the website) provides a children's opera where the kids get to interact and help during the opera of Hansel and Gretel.  It's really fun!  And the music is beautiful!  I closed my eyes to just listen…yeah, couldn't understand a word but the music and singing was incredible!  They do have the words playing underneath so you can see what they are saying.  My other son played with me and loved it.  So if you have kids, or are like me and have no idea what Opera is about, this is a wonderful website.

You get to help with set design, clothing design, music, all sorts of fun things.  It really is a wonderful way to introduce yourself and your children to the world of music.

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