Day 43 - Don't Swear for a Whole Day

Must swear off from swearing.  Bad habit.
-Rutherford B. Hayes

So originally I was going to go for a day of no sweets.  But I ate some chocolate chips.  Which makes me wonder.  Everywhere you turn now people are saying Dark Chocolate is actually good for you.  So wouldn't that make it a food group?  It's a necessary food group for me.  I need my chocolate every day.  Maybe I could do a day of no sweets sans chocolate.

So I had to change my first to something else.  Hence the no swearing for a day.  I don't mean to swear.   I really try not to swear, but that dinner time rolls around….the cursed time of night for every mother I know.  The Scottish in my ignites like a fuse and I explode.  The swear words I have held back flow freely and then just as quickly I am done and feeling guilty for loosing my temper and guilty for swearing and guilty for setting a bad example.  No one ever told me how much guilt a mother can carry.

So far today:  Swear words-none  Happy mom-one

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