Month 3 Recap

Wow!  What a month!  This month has been my favorite so far, I think.  I love being able to look back and see everything I've done in a month and this month is full of really fun firsts!

  • Ice Skating Lessons-so fun!
  • Rollerskating-I have never laughed so hard!  My boys were cracking me up.
  • Mom & Tot Swimming Lessons-my little one is still terrified of the water and the pool is so cold we will be waiting till summer to continue lessons.  But it was so nice to have something to do with him!
  • My New Bed & Bedding-I love going to bed at night and I don't want to get out of bed in the morning.  My bed is so pretty looking and sooooo comfortable!  Definitely a highlight.
  • The Athleta Squat Challenge & Walking a Tightrope-so much fun physically!  Loved both of these experiences.
  • Riding Bikes in February-who does't love being able to play in warmer weather.
  • Learning how to Apply Makeup, Finally!
  • Building a Box House for my Son-definately my favorite.  He has loved that house.  Every time he sees a big box he yells 'house'.   This was my favorite for the month.

I love that opportunities come now.  My eyes are more open to the opportunities each day can bring and though the Lord has blessed me so much this month, I am learning that it is the little things that make you the happiest.  Little things where my children or husband are involved are my favorites.  But I also realize how much I need the 'big me thing' to help balance and help me continue learning and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.  

And even though I am so happy and feel happy, I still do have an occasional bad day.  As a mom that is just going to happen.  As a woman with hormones that is just going to happen.  It is good to know though, that the next day is going to be different and I may wake up with a carry-over grouch, but by the end of the day I'm usually on top again.

Day 90 - Learn how to Professionally Apply Makeup

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” 
― Coco Chanel

Every girl wants to be beautiful.  Growing up on a dairy farm there was no focus on beauty.  Who were you going to glam up for?  The cows?  They don't care what you look like, especially at 3 in the morning.  At frankly, at that time you don't care what you look like either.  You are just trying to get the milking and feeding and irrigating done so you can grab a quick nap before you hit the afternoon chores.

Cleanliness, however, was a focus!  Every evening we showered and washed our hair and every morning we put on clean clothes.  But I always wanted to know how to wear makeup and how to do my hair.  I'm a master of plain ponytails and plain braids.  Learning how to make my hair shine and look nice…I'm still working on that.  But today I finally, after long searching, found someone to show me HOW TO APPLY MAKEUP!  And I feel beautiful.

Granted, I don't think that makeup makes a person beautiful.  But I do think it adds a bit of confidence. And I think every little girl should have the opportunity to have someone show them the how's and the why's of makeup.  I can't believe I'm nearly 40 and I'm finally feeling that I'm getting it.  Believe me, if I ever have a little girl, when she turns 13 she's having someone show her how to do hair and makeup!

If you are like me and want to learn more check out this website:

Day 89 - Walk a Tightrope

A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.
-William Arthur Ward

Yesterday on our bike ride I saw some kids tightrope walking between two trees at the park.  The whole way I home I bemoaned the fact that I didn't ask if I could try it, it looked like so much fun.
Today I got my 'do again'.  We went to the park to play and there was a large group of teenager boys tightrope walking.

They are training to tightrope walk across a canyon on Saturday.  SCARY!  They were really cool about explaining the different 'ropes' they had and which one I should try first if I buy one.  I'll hand it to them.  These boys know what they are doing.  They also said they use a harness when crossing the canyon so there are no accidents if they slip.

It was fun.  It takes A LOT more balance than I have right now, that's for sure.  My oldest got up there and walked across no problem.  Me…I got a couple steps in before I made a graceful exit.

I'm so going to look up the website the boys gave me and see what I can find out.  I have two trees in the backyard that would be perfect!

Day 88 - Complete the Athleta Squat Challenge

Ok, I am a sucker for Athleta.  I love their clothes.  Love everything about them.  So when I saw they had a monthly challenge I thought how great!  It's perfect for one of my firsts.  They work you up from 50 squats the first day to 250 by the end of the month.  I have to say, my buns feel tightened.  Love this, can't wait for their next challenge.

Day 87 - Bike Ride in February

"Go forward in your life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in your heart."
-President Hinkley

I got this quote today from the chain mail I participated in.  Such a cute quote!

Today is the first time I have ever gone on a bike ride in February.  How beautiful was today?!  I can not believe how it feels like Spring.  I'm wishing I had an extra garbage can because I have a lot of yard cleanup to do.  Anyway, we decided we had to go for a ride today and we just wanted to keep going, it was so beautiful outside. It's amazing to me how people flock to the park and trails when it is nice out.  It makes the community feel closer. 

Beautiful day for a ride!

Day 86 - Try a new Hair Style - Side Braid with a Twist

I'm sorry, I have no picture for this, but I love the look and gave it a try today.  If you want to see what it looks like check out  She has amazing pictures and great ideas.  

I think this will be a favorite hair style this summer.

Day 85 - Go Sledding at Donut Falls

"Snow falling is a magical event."

We went in search of snow to go sledding and ended up at Donut Falls.  The jumps were pretty fun.  The smell of pine and the quiet of crunching snow and squirrels was beautiful, especially with the sun setting behind the trees and mountain.  We got our fix of cold and beauty before heading back down for  dinner.

Day 84 - Participate in a Chain Mail

"Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's." 
-Billy Wilder

Normally I don't participate in chain mail.  But I got a cute one today:


We're starting a collective, constructive, and hopefully uplifting exchange. It's a one-time thing and we hope you will participate. We have picked those we think would be faithful to the task and make it a fun experience. Please send an encouraging quote to the person whose name is in position 1 below (even if you don't know him or her). It should be a favorite text/verse/motivational poem/prayer/meditation that has lifted you when you were experiencing challenging times. Don't agonize over it--it is one you reach for when you need it or the one that you always turn to or one you have newly discovered and like!



After you've sent the short poem/verse/meditation/quote/etc. to the person in position 1, and only that person, copy this letter into a new email, move my name to position 1, and put your name in position 2. Only my name and your name should show when you email. Send to 15 friends BCC (blind copy). If you cannot do this in five days, let us know so it will be fair to those participating. It's fun to see where they come from. Seldom does anyone drop out because we all need new ideas and inspiration.

The turnaround is fast, as there are only two names on the list, and you only have to do it once.

Seriously, who can't use an uplifting email.  It's like getting a card in the mailbox.

Day 83 - Waffle Love ala Jennifer

 “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” 

Driving home tonight we spotted the Waffle Love Truck and decided to stop.  But after waiting in line for a while and then seeing the prices.  Well lets just say, an $8 waffle better lay me out flat it's so good.  Reading the menu I decided I could make this at home.

How come I have never thought to put Nutella, Strawberries and Whip Cream on a waffle before?  Wow!

Day 82 - Salted Carmel Frozen Yogurt

Ok, so as a teenager I use to visit Golden Spoon a lot.  But it's been about 20 years since I set foot near a Golden Spoon…until today.  And now I think I will be setting foot there more than I need to.

My little one and I stopped in after swimming lessons.  I didn't recognize anything but the chocolate or vanilla flavors, so I asked the kid behind the counter what flavors were the best.  He gave me a Blueberry Pomegranate, which was delic!  I was sold.  Then he gave me a Salted Caramel…I think I almost died right there on the floor.  So Good!!  So we got a little of both.

I will be testing more flavors this summer, that's for sure!

Day 81 - Recycle Crayons

"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box." 
~Robert Fulghum 

We have a huge bag full of crayons.  Crayons that won't fit into any crayon box.  Crayons that are broken.  Crayons that are whole.  Crayons that have been well used.  Crayons that still have a point.  Crayons with tape on them.  Crayons without the color paper around them.  Small crayons….big crayons….we have a lot of crayons.

So today we went through and any broken small bit of crayon we threw into the pot, so to speak, and melted them into a nice big colorful crayon!   Now we have a big bag of crayons….with whole crayons in it.

Day 80 - Snowshoe up Mill D

“The earth has music for those who listen.” 
― George Santayana

We headed up Big Cottonwood Canyon to find some snow-how sad that we have no snow this year!  We stopped at Mill D and decided since we have never even hiked this trail we'd see what it was like.  It was steep, but around every corner there was something beautiful to see and the hike didn't seem that steep.  We rolled 'snowballs' down the steep slopes to see the tracks they made and to see whose snowball could go the furthest.  We laughed at the squirrels and tried to talk back to them.  We watch the sledders across the road and far below us.

It really was beautiful to be in the mountains.  To smell the snow and hear the crunching under your feet and feel the bite of chill on your cheeks.

Day 79 - Behind the Scenes at Hale Theater

“An actor must never be afraid to make a fool of himself.” 
― Harvey Cocks

I love Hale Theater and I've always wanted to know what it takes to put on a show.  Mostly though, I've wanted to see 'behind the scenes'.  Today I got the chance and I was not disappointed!   After seeing it all I'm surprised tickets aren't more.  What a production to put on one show!

The costume department was amazing!  Did you know they can make their own costumes from scratch, no pattern.  They create some of their own patterns.  Then they build the costume out of cheaper fabric to make sure it fits.  Then they cut and sew with the expensive fabric.  They can make new costumes look old.  Some characters have 5 or more costumes!  And sometimes they only have days to create and fix a costume.  Oh, and they can't make the costumes until the show is cast.  Talk about no pressure!

The wigs department was cool!  Sometimes the actors/actresses have multiple wigs to age them-CRAZY!  And the Props department is cool.

The stage was my favorite.  The construction workers there are so amazing.  They made a floor set that looked just like cobblestones, but really it was MDF and they hand carved every piece, painted every piece….and below stage, I don't know how they walk around under the stage!

It was so cool!

Day 78 - Monster Jam

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!  
~Albert Einstein

We went to Monster Jam today.  The boys loved the Grave Digger and the popcorn!

Day 77 - Go Rollerskating

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” 
― Charles Dickens

I took my boys rollerskating.  It's been over 20 years since I was last in roller-skates and my boys have never roller-skated.  If you go to Classic Skate on Thursday night you get in for $1.   You can rent skates for a $1 or a scooter for $3.  They also have 'walkers' you can rent for $3.  And if you are a mom with a little one you can roller-skate with a stroller-sweet!

We got our roller-skates and headed from the locker to the rink.  My two oldest hit the slipper floor and from then on I was laughing so hard I was not able to help much, plus my youngest was off running with his skates and I couldn't keep up with him.  Three kids is hard for me!  Thank you to the man that helped my son and to the girl that helped my other son.  My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at the craziness of the situation.  I decided I better get the walkers for them or we weren't going anywhere.

They did ok with their walkers.  They still fell a lot.  All in all, it was a really fun night!

Day 76 - Host a Chocolate Tasting

“The 12-step chocolate program: NEVER BE MORE THAN 12 STEPS AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE!” 
― Terry Moore

I've been dying to try these chocolates for months and I saw them at the grocery store yesterday.  I wanted to try a Solstice Chocolate too, but we decided on these three.  They were very good.  The Amano is sweeter than than the Ritual Chocolates and the Costa Rica and Madagascar definitely taste different.

It was hard not to bite down, you are suppose to allow the flavors to melt over your tongue.  And I think I liked my little left over sample better this morning than last night.

(sorry about the fuzzy picture.  I got hugged right as I snapped and then we ate the chocolates…)

Day 75 - Built my son's first Box House

“For your birthday, I got you a box. Hooray! It’s empty, so you can fill it with whatever you want.
― Jarod Kintz,

My youngest has never played in a box house.  Something I think every child should have a chance to do.  Today we cut up a big box and made a door with a handle.  Two windows, that he can pull shut and we spent the morning decorating the inside and out.   We drew pictures to tape up inside.  We stuck stickers on the 'walls' and cut out circles to glue on outside.  We colored with crayons to make his 'house' colorful.

For lunch he needed to eat inside.

Day 74 - Purchase Nice Bedding

“I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can't get at you.” 
― L.M. Montgomery

Today I purchased nice bedding.  When we bought our house we were remodeling, so I didn't want anything super nice that could get ruined.  So we just slept under a nice patchwork quilt and cheap sheets.  Now (14 years later) we are in our finished bedroom.  Bedrooms always get done last, and I have purchased some nice bedding.

Egyptian Cotton Sheets.  Decorative Pillows.  A nice Duvet Cover.  A new Duvet…the works.  I'm so excited!

Day 73 - Make your Own Bouncy Balls

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” 
― Albert Einstein

My boys saw this is the store and decided they had to try it.  Since I am a sucker for science experiments I bought it.  The biggest question is will this work and why?

They give you four packets of colors.  You pick two to dump into the ball mold.  Shake it up to mix the colors.  I can not find out anywhere what the powder is and what is going to make it bouncy.  So when my boys asked why, I could only tell them that some balls are made of rubber, some of plastic and some of polymer.  Since this is not rubber we must assume it is one of the other products.
After you fill the ball mold you slowly submerge the ball mold in water and wait for 10 minutes.  Who knew that a little orange plastic 'circle' could hold the attention of three boys for so long.

After we took the mold out of the water we had to wait 3 minutes.  Then open the mold and remove the ball.  The 'balls' were sticky and one squished trying to get it out.  But here is the end result.  They bounce, not like the ones in the store, but my little one doesn't care because they fit in his hand perfectly and he can cart them around.

Day 72 - Daily Burn

“People who are different are beautiful. Those who follow society are boring.” 
― Gina Adel

Tried Daily Burn, online.  I like Barre 3 much better.  This seriously was not my cup of tea.

Day 71 - Mom & Tot Swimming Class

“Dreams do come true...never stop believing.” 
― Josh Davis

My boys are a bit like me…we don't know how to swim.  Mind you the older two take swimming lessons every summer and they love it.  But they may be doomed to taking Beginning Swimming three years in a row.  

Today I took my little one swimming.  He screams the loudest in class.  And the looks of disgust that he gave me were priceless.  I wish I had a camera during lessons, his face was hilarious.  Is it mean to laugh at your child when he is clearly disgusted and hating something?  I couldn't help myself.

We'll see how he does next week.  He will either see the pool and start screaming immediately, or he will see the pool and be fine.

Day 70 - Eat 5 servings of Fruits & Veggies

To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

Today I ate five servings of fruit and vegetables.  I thought it would be hard and really I don't know that I've ever kept track of how many servings I eat a day, but it was super easy.  It did help me be more mindful when I wanted a snack, to eat fruit or a veg.

And can I say grapefruit is my favorite fruit right now.  Who would have ever guessed, but I actually crave it right now.

Day 69 - New Bed! YEAH!

“It was truly an abomination of nature that one always found the most comfortable spot in the bed five minutes before one had to leave it.” 
― Mia Ryan,

My new bed came today!  Yeah.  It's so soft and so comfortable.  I won't wake up with a back ache, I just know it.

Day 68 - Clean out my Phone

Clutter is stuck energy.
-Karen Kingston

Cleaned out my phone today.  It was full of old pictures.  Old contacts.  Old information.  Now it feels like it has room to breath.  Maybe I'll do my computer next.

Day 67 - Join with The Farm Bureau in Fasting and Prayer

“There is nothing that we are enduring that Jesus does not understand, and He waits for us to go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. If we will be obedient and if we are diligent, our prayers will be answered, our problems will diminish, our fears will dissipate, light will come upon us, the darkness of despair will be dispersed, and we will be close to the Lord.” 
― Robert D. Hales

I joined with The Farm Bureau and people throughout the state of Utah in fasting and prayer for more snow this winter.  I think it's great that The Farm Bureau asked People of Faith, throughout the state, to fast and pray.  It's a great way to unite people for a common goal.  A worthy goal.

I like that The Farm Bureau also asked that we remember to give thanks when the snow comes.

Day 66 - Ice Skating Lessons

“There's something about putting on a pair of skates, and getting out there and moving like nobody else can. Freedom is a word that comes to mind.” 
― Randy Gardner

I took my first ever ice skating lesson today at the Cottonwood Rec Center!  My teacher was Murna, she was wonderful!  I totally loved her.  When I first stepped onto the ice there was a little girl and a teenage girl doing flips and jumps and skating backwards, they were beautiful to watch.

Meanwhile, I was clinging to the wall praying that I wouldn't be getting up close and personal with the ice.  I haven't been on an ice skating ring in 17 years and I've never taken lessons.  By the end of the lesson Murna had me skating on one foot, skating backwards, and trying some in out thing I can't remember the name for.  Needless to say, my ankles are weak.  My outer thighs are killing me right now.  And my stomach feels like I just did the best ab workout ever.

Taking my skates off I was surprised at how sweaty and hot I was.  It was a total blast and though I am a far cry from those beautiful skaters on the ice, I feel like next week when I step on the ice I will be able to get more comfortable practicing the things Murna taught me and who knows…maybe you'll see me at the Olympics in February-HAHA!