Day 66 - Ice Skating Lessons

“There's something about putting on a pair of skates, and getting out there and moving like nobody else can. Freedom is a word that comes to mind.” 
― Randy Gardner

I took my first ever ice skating lesson today at the Cottonwood Rec Center!  My teacher was Murna, she was wonderful!  I totally loved her.  When I first stepped onto the ice there was a little girl and a teenage girl doing flips and jumps and skating backwards, they were beautiful to watch.

Meanwhile, I was clinging to the wall praying that I wouldn't be getting up close and personal with the ice.  I haven't been on an ice skating ring in 17 years and I've never taken lessons.  By the end of the lesson Murna had me skating on one foot, skating backwards, and trying some in out thing I can't remember the name for.  Needless to say, my ankles are weak.  My outer thighs are killing me right now.  And my stomach feels like I just did the best ab workout ever.

Taking my skates off I was surprised at how sweaty and hot I was.  It was a total blast and though I am a far cry from those beautiful skaters on the ice, I feel like next week when I step on the ice I will be able to get more comfortable practicing the things Murna taught me and who knows…maybe you'll see me at the Olympics in February-HAHA!

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