Day 77 - Go Rollerskating

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” 
― Charles Dickens

I took my boys rollerskating.  It's been over 20 years since I was last in roller-skates and my boys have never roller-skated.  If you go to Classic Skate on Thursday night you get in for $1.   You can rent skates for a $1 or a scooter for $3.  They also have 'walkers' you can rent for $3.  And if you are a mom with a little one you can roller-skate with a stroller-sweet!

We got our roller-skates and headed from the locker to the rink.  My two oldest hit the slipper floor and from then on I was laughing so hard I was not able to help much, plus my youngest was off running with his skates and I couldn't keep up with him.  Three kids is hard for me!  Thank you to the man that helped my son and to the girl that helped my other son.  My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at the craziness of the situation.  I decided I better get the walkers for them or we weren't going anywhere.

They did ok with their walkers.  They still fell a lot.  All in all, it was a really fun night!

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