Day 80 - Snowshoe up Mill D

“The earth has music for those who listen.” 
― George Santayana

We headed up Big Cottonwood Canyon to find some snow-how sad that we have no snow this year!  We stopped at Mill D and decided since we have never even hiked this trail we'd see what it was like.  It was steep, but around every corner there was something beautiful to see and the hike didn't seem that steep.  We rolled 'snowballs' down the steep slopes to see the tracks they made and to see whose snowball could go the furthest.  We laughed at the squirrels and tried to talk back to them.  We watch the sledders across the road and far below us.

It really was beautiful to be in the mountains.  To smell the snow and hear the crunching under your feet and feel the bite of chill on your cheeks.

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