8 Month Recap

Eight months down, four to go!  I was eating a yogurt that I've never tried before, thinking about how fast the summer has gone and trying to see if I had done a new first every day.  Since seriously, the summer has been going so fast I'm just trying to enjoy each day.  It dawned on me that I haven't had to think or plan a 'first', but I have done 'firsts' every day.

You know the saying that what you think and put out into the universe comes back to you.  I believe it now.  The effort and thought of not saying no and trying new things now is just second nature.  In the brain, when you do something new or learn something new neurons form in a different pattern, creating new patterns all over in the brain.  So when you think positively you literally create a positive brain, and release endorphins which creates a positive life.  The brain is fascinating!

All in all, this month was a food month.  There were some fear firsts too!  And some really fun new firsts that I want to try again.
Park City Parade

Banana Split Galore

Robin's Nest


Natural History Museum

Hawk's Nest

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