Day 225 - Find Beauty in Little Things

"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
-Doug Firebaugh

Our days are made up of routines and patterns.  Get up; feed the kids; don't forget yourself; get them dressed; do the dishes; pick up the toys; the list goes on and on.  Sometimes we dream of an escape, an adventure or a trip.  We get caught up in the raising of our children and the hurry to do this.  The mundane routines can be blissful if we stop and look;  take a breath and look up from our computers, iPhones, picking up the toys, vacuuming the floors.  

If you are anything like me you only catch of glimpse of how amazing things really are before getting sucked back into the monotony of routine.  I am not good at this and need to try being mindful and seeing the beauty in little things.  I need to surrender to the moment.  Experience the miracle of life, right now.

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