Day 226 - Discover my Passions

"Passions are how you live your life.  Goals are things that you achieve."

There is a wonderful book, "The Passion Test", by Janet and Chris Attwood.  In this book they have created some steps to help you narrow down your top 5 passions.  It doesn't matter if they are feasible, you still write them down.  "The brain is very happy when you're focused on what you love."  

The steps are really fun.  It definitely makes you look deep inside and once you have your top 5 passions it is kind of liberating knowing what you really want to do.  Honestly, I was surprised with my top choice, but extremely excited too.   It is what I want to do, I just didn't recognize it until now.

The Attwoods suggest retaking the test every year.  And lets be honest, we change, and they say that when one passion is meet you need to replace it with another.  Always keep growing is the motto.

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