Day 222 - Andes Mints Cookies

Laughter is brightest where food is best.
-Irish Proverb

I don't know why I have so many food firsts this month.  Seriously, can't I get more original.  But the thing is, food is such an easy way to try something new and there are so many options.  You can see why I have to exercise so much.

Back on track.  My boys have been begging me to buy these Andes Mints chips since Summer started. (Does anyone else think grocery shopping with your kids in the summer is a whole new ballgame.  Seriously, I feel like I'm in a three ring circus when I go with all the boys.  The two that are usually in school when I go act like they've never seen a grocery store before and they want everything!  But I love them dearly again…when we leave the store).  

I digress.  It must have been the chocolate smell that made me succumb….the chips ended up in my cart and so today I whipped up a batch of Andes Mints Cookies.  The recipe doesn't use salt-weird huh.  But yummy.  

And I don't know why this picture is fuzzy, I must have been drooling over the smell of warm cookies from the oven..

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