Day 242 - Learn Astrology

"Remember, there is no perfect time for anything.  There is only now.  Begin your journey to greater levels of fulfillment and productivity now."
-Jack Canfield

For some, astrology is the language used to describe the energies that make up the universe.  For others, it's the observation of the planets.  Modern astrology emerged out the awareness that we are microcosm of the universe, and that our lives are shaped by the sun's journey through the zodiac.

Although it is kind of interesting to read your 'birth chart', which is based on the date, time and location that you were born.  And to see what the stars, the sun, and the moon say about your traits and emotional nature.  I prefer to think that we are God's children.  Born with gifts and talents that we had in the preexistence.  With the ability to learn new talents.  Make weaknesses strengths.  And always learn.

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