Day 119 - Dunkin Donuts

"This was a Saturday that cried out for something different.  Donuts!"
-Curious George

Tried Dunkin Donuts today.  Very tasty.  I'm not much of a donut person, but these donuts are pretty good!

Day 118 - Veterans Memorial Park

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” 
― Herman Melville

Let me just start by saying, THIS PARK IS SO AWESOME!  Seriously, look up the Veterans Memorial Park in West Jordan on your computer.  I didn't want to lug my big camera there, so I have no pictures, but this park is totally awesome!  It's our new favorite park.

We were greeted at the entrance to the Wild Western Park by some boys asking if my boys wanted to play.  Seriously, how cute is that!  The Wild West Park alone consumed an hour easy.  Then we moved on to another playground set.  Threw the football, saw people flying kits, others playing baseball.  This park was so mellow!  There was so much to do, three hours went really fast.  And the people we met were so relaxed and friendly, it felt like going to the park with family.

If you have young kids and you have not checked out this park-TRY IT!

Day 117 - Take a Mineral Bath

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” 
― Sylvia Plath

A hot bath is a luxury as a mom, when you can get a quiet bath.  When the kids are asleep and the lights are out and you get to be by yourself.  Relaxing in the heat with no other needs or distractions around you.  Eating chocolate in a bath would be good too, though I've never tried it.

Lately it seems like I've heard 'mineral bath' this and 'epson salt' soaks that.  So today I tried a mineral bath.  It felt nice and relaxing and of course I felt relaxed after.  So whether it was the mineral soak or just the hot bath I couldn't say.  But it felt nice.

Day 116 - See a Muskrat

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

We rode our bikes along a bike path that runs along-side a stream.  We say ducks nesting and then we saw something we've never seen before there…something with fur like a beaver, sitting in the weeds by the water.  It turned and started swimming in the creek then dove under the weeds along the bank and disappeared.  We saw another one further on.  It had a tail like a rat and was small.

I got home and looked up water rodents and found…Muskrat!  We saw two muskrats!  I've never seen a muskrat before.  We ride by again tonight and I'm going to see if I can find their home this time.

Day 115 - Buy a Swimming Suit

“Dreams do come true...never stop believing.” 
― Josh Davis

"I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

I am TERRIFIED of the water.  Scares me to death not knowing what is under my feet.  I wonder how many people JAWS has ruined for life.  So today, because I am going to take swimming lessons this summer, I purchased my first swimming suit in about 20 years.  Maybe the cute suit will be motivation enough for me to get into the water.

I have to take swimming lessons because I also want to try Rowing and Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Surfing-maybe…someday…with a place with no sharks.

Now just to sign up for lessons.  If you see an adult female standing beside the pool, shaking like a leaf, with a swimming instructor standing waist deep in water begging her to come in.  Come over and say 'hi' to me and then just push me in.  please.

Day 114 - Wash My Mouth out with Soap

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."
-Nelson Mandela

I am a bit of a swearer when I get mad.  I started swearing in high school as a way to get back at my mom.  Then in college and after I hear swearing in the workplace on a regular basis and I used it too.  When I had children I decided I wanted to stop, but deciding and doing are two different things.   So, since I washed my children's mouths out when they used bad language I decided I should do the same for me.  

So later today, when I swore, out came the soap.  Disgusting.  I took a big o'l lick and…yeah it's really gross.  But I have to say, I think this will work.

UPDATE:  It's been two weeks now and I've only had to wash my mouth out 4 times.  I'm a slow learner, what can I say.  But I have caught myself wanting to swear and the thought of that soap in my mouth…it's like Pavlo's Dogs.  The correlation between soap and swear words is helping me stop swearing.  My boys think this is hilarious!

Day 113 - Hike Ensign Peak

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity...” 
― John Muir

I have never hiked Ensign Peak, didn't even know where to find it on a map.  So today we hiked Ensign Peak.

Two days after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Brigham Young and seven other pioneer leaders climbed the mountain to survey the valley.  From its summit they laid out in their minds the city they were going to build.

I personally love the grid system in Utah.  It helps me not get too lost.  The hike to the top was warming.  Once on top it was freezing!  I can't imagine  doing this hike in the heat of summer.  Today was perfect.

This hike is super easy.  My little one climbed almost the whole way by himself and ran down the whole way.  It is slippery in spots, the hard pan and the loose gravel.  But such a fun easy hike!

There are spots to sit and rest and lots to look at every step of the way.

Day 112 - Attend a Sneak Peek

We went to my first Sneak Peek ever-The new aquarium in Draper.  I was not really impressed.  To me a sneak peek means everything is ready, come see what you think.  This was walking past one empty aquarium after another with my boys saying what's in here?  The Shark tunnel was cool, but it was closed at one end so it was bottlenecked, very cool though.  The rope bride in the tropical area was cool and the frogs are always cool.  But again, all the animals weren't there so it was a little disappointing.  The penguins were cool, they just look so funny hopping around.  They remind me of toddlers when they run or jump.

It was ok.  They still had a lot of construction workers there and there is still a lot to get done, at least it looks to me like there is a lot.  I don't know how they plan on opening up next week, but the aquarium has had problems from day one, which is unfortunate.

Day 111 - Sign up for an Online Workout Class

Today I bit the bullet.  I signed up for an online workout website.  I've tried out a couple-their free demos-and this is the only website I liked.  The instructors were not annoying.  The workouts are what I want for cross training days.  The workouts give me options on time.  I'm pretty excited, and a little nervous-I admit-that I've really done it.  It makes me feel like I have to use it every day now.  Even though the cost is VERY reasonable!

If you haven't checked out Barre 3, do it now.  You will probably love it.  I wish a studio would open up in Utah.

Day 110 - Scoop Garbage

“To know our refuse is to know ourselves. We mark our own trail from past to present with what we've used and consumed, rejected, outgrown.” 
― Jane Avrich,

Today was definitely a day of a new 'first'.  My husband hit our garbage can when he was backing out.  I'd put it out for the garbage man and he didn't know.  So out I went to scoop up garbage.  I was glad I had the 'firsts' because otherwise I would have been really grumpy.  Instead I was able to see the humor in it and laugh.  

Day 109 - Aerial Silks Class

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” 
― Oprah Winfrey

I talked two friends into trying Aerial Yoga with me.  I don't remember the last time I have laughed so hard.  My arms!  My arms!!!  They ache.

It was so much fun and Darla was so nice, and pushy.  She really pushed us when we were dragging our arms on the ground like apes.  "Up!  Get back up!"  She was great.  The splits was my favorite.  I can't do the splits on the ground and I'll have to wait until I see the pictures to see if I can do it in the air.

It was a total blast!  Made funner by going with amazing friends.  They seriously are my favorite people.  I laughed so hard the whole time my stomach hurts, not as bad as my arms, but they did get a work out.  And the other people there…holy cow.  They can do amazing things!

I won't be able to lift even a sandwich to my mouth, but it was a blast!  The thought of trying Trapeze or the aerial hoops doesn't sound appealing right now.  Maybe a cooking class next.

This is on my list to try again!

Day 108 - Make Key Lime Cupcakes

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.  ~Adrienne Cook

So I am not the world's  best blogger.  Today, for St. Patrick's Day, I made Key Lime Cupcakes.  YUM!

There are lots of recipes, and I didn't have key limes for the cupcake recipe, (I substituted regular lime) but I did find Key Lime Icing for the cupcakes that tastes really good.  

Day 107 - Day of Service

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

The LDS Facebook & Website show 26 different ways to show service.  How many can I do in one day?

  1. Smile (Holly)
  2. Tell a family member why you love him/her (did this with all three boys)
  3. Find out more about someone you don't know very well (my teaching partner is training for a marathon!)
  4. Give a sincere compliment (singing guy in primary)
  5. Deliver a treat to a neighbor (fresh bread to someone with a heavy heart)
  6. Reach out to ward member (asked someone a direct question-tried to show I was interested in them)
  7. Pray for someone (lots of people to pray for)
  8. Help someone do something he/she can't do alone (kids)
  9. Give a friend/family member call just to say hello (sister)
  10. Sing a happy song (Sing your Way Home)
  11. Do an extra chore around the house (help put kids clothes away)
  12. Ask someone about his/her family (Meg at HR)
  13. Laugh instead of groan (does praying for someone you don't like count?)
  14. Listen when someone speaks to you (I always need to work better on this)
  15. Congratulate someone on a success (Matt)
  16. Pray to know who you can help (Karen)
  17. Listen to someone patiently
As you can see, I still have a lot of work to do on service.  The nice thing is, every day you can serve, more and more.  

Day 106 - Eat at JCW's


Day 105 - Pizza Party

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” 
― Herman Melville

The boys had their first combined party, we made it a pizza party.  Parties-in the past-stressed me out, so we didn't do them except for birthdays.  But the new me is trying to new things so we threw an after- school pizza party.

Differences in my boys.  My oldest asked his best friend, who promptly returned the invitation and said no, it didn't sound like fun.  Rude huh!  I think my oldest decided right then and there he didn't need him as a best friend anymore, which is fine, he has lots of friends and I think he is better off without that kid.  He doesn't have a best friend, he just has acquaintance friends, but he has a lot of them.  Chess Club, Skiing, Mt. Biking, Scouts, kids he walks home with, kids he does Science projects with, etc.

My second boy….the whole grade is coming, boys and girls.  Then they get here and they're bringing gifts!  They play Twister and just bounce around.

So I have the serious, analytical child and the carefree child.  Their friends are like them, for the most part.  "Birds of a Feather."

I will have to throw more parties, at least for my second child.  I think my oldest will like going skiing with a friend more than a party.

Day 104 - Lunch with Friends

“Friendship is born at that moment when one (wo)man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."” 
― C.S. Lewis

I have always found it uncomfortable going to lunch with women-don't ask why-so I never went.  As a first I called up some girlfriends and we went to lunch, with our kids.  And you know what…it was fun.  I still think it is hard to talk in a restaurant with all the noise, but it was still a lot of fun and I wasn't so nervous that I acted weird, like I normally do in social situations.  I just relaxed and had fun.

This 'first' thing is really opening the doors in the world.  I love it.  I'm excited.  I don't say no or try to find excuses.  I figure, 'what the heck.  Try it and see what happens," instead of keeping the box closed around me.  I'm really having fun!

Day 103 - Make a Glass Blown Candy Dish

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” 
― Pablo Picasso

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” 

Today I went to Holdman Art Studios, in Lehi, and made a glass candy dish.  It was so much fun!!

The process of coloring the glass with crushed glass, rolling it, heating and reheating, smashing and pulling was amazing.

And can I say, I didn't want them to put the fans on because the heat from the kilns felt SO good! 
The pulling part was a lot harder than I expected.  Even though the glass is so hot you have to wear thick gloves and you can feel the heat through the gloves, it was harder than pulling taffy.  You use these thick 'tweezers' to grab the glass and pull.

The dish is quite large-bigger than my hands, and I love the blue.  When it is heated it just looks like lava, that deep red orange color, so you can't tell where the black and the blue and the white is.  I guess it kind of makes it fun, the not knowing what it will really look like until it's cooled.

Anyway, it was really fun.  If you are interested in going-go!   You won't be sorry.  And while you are there you can go into the room where they are making Stain Glass Windows for buildings-that looks like a lot of fun to try.

Day 102- Plant an Apple Tree

"The Lord's been good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need; the sun, the rain, and the apple tree…"
-Johnny Appleseed

We planted our first apple trees yesterday.  Now I've got to get some cages to keep the deer off of them.  We planted a Fuji and a Honeycrisp.  Now I need to kill some gophers!

A neighbor, who is an apple tree expert, told me the Costco gets their trees from one of the best nurseries, so that is where I got my trees.

I think I have room for one more, so I may have to get another one, or go to IFA and get a green apple.

Day 101 - Read Gone with the Wind

I have never read this book.  A friend suggested it and I loved it!  After reading it I'm amazed the South was ever able to rebuild.  The book really shows the struggle to rebuild after a war, something I never though of before, and how that can be more difficult that the war.

I liked the strength of the women, and how they reacted to the 'rule' around them.  I also liked how the Southern women 'pushed' their men, supported them, without the men being aware of it.  "The man is the head of the house but the woman is the neck."

It is also interesting to see how Scarlet, who I didn't begrudge what she did after the war-fear is a huge motivator, later turned into something I didn't like.  She threw Kindness, Love and Honesty out of her character, and didn't seem able to ever reclaim them again.

It was a fascinating book.  I highly recommend it.

Day 100 - Give Bread to a Neighbor

“Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts.” 
― James Beard

Bread is my favorite food of all time.  Warm bread with butter is I've died and gone to heaven.  I needed a service first.  I have a hard time going to people's houses to take dinner or anything.  I'm uncomfortable around people, (I'm getting better), and I'm so private I feel like I'm sticking my nose in their business when I go.  I know, weird.  There is no logic to this.

Today I went to Great Harvest and bought 2 loaves of bread, first thing in the morning.  Then I kept them in the car and as I thought of someone I gave.  Ran into the missionaries at the grocery store, and their cart looked so empty it made me hungry.  They got a loaf.  Then I dropped of the other loaf at someone's house, she wasn't there.  Maybe I'll just drop loaves off on people's door and not even knock.

Day 99 - Make Professional Looking Cupcakes for a Class Party

“I've never met a problem a proper cupcake couldn't fix.” 
― Sarah Ockler

It was my co-Primary Teacher's birthday this week.  So I made cupcakes for her and the girls.  I do not like cooking for other people, I'm always afraid they will think it's gross.  But, trying new things I didn't let it bother me and I went ahead and made some very delicious Chocolate (because who can go wrong with chocolate) cupcakes and I decorated them with a frosting bag.  My husband saw them and commented on how nice they looked.  So I know they looked good!

And they tasted good too.

Day 98 - Hula Hoop

“Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.” ― L.M. Montgomery

Ok, so obviously I am not the best blogger, but again it's just for my records.

Tried Hula Hooping today.  Yeah, I'm still no better at it today that I was as a child.  Put me on the Wii though and I can Hula Hoop like no one's business!

Day 97 - Drive down an unexplored Road

…and I, I took the road less traveled
-Robert Frost

I went exploring and took a road that lead me down into a valley, under a busy road, and into a tree-lined road that hid old, beautiful homes.  I don't know if I could find the road easily again.  I found it right at dusk and with the quiet of the night beginning to settle in…the road I took seemed beautiful and forgotten in time.

Day 96 - Build a Terrarium

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” 
― John Muir

Did you know there are three (or more) terrariums you can build?  And that a vivarium is a terrarium with animals, like little poison dart frogs!  Who knew!

So there are succulent plant terrariums, which can be open and the plants need dirt and more water.  A closed terrarium with some other type of plant, they need dirt too.  But there is one plant that doesn't have roots and you dip it in a glass of water for one hour, once a week and place it on rocks.  A Tillandsia.  So cool!

So here is my Tillandsia terrarium.

I just have to thank Melanie at Cactus and Tropicals. She was so amazing!

Day 95 - No Sweets for a Whole Day

The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor. 
~Chinese Proverb

We are major sugar eaters, which is really bad.  So today we set a goal to see if we could go a week without sugar.  Then we decided we better see if we can just get through one day.  Today is the day.

Later:  Sugar craving.  Ate some dried fruit instead.  Actually feel satisfied.

Even Later:  Really craving sugar.  Tried some bread with butter.

So, I gave up at 6 and had some chocolate M&M's.  I think just the thought that I couldn't have chocolate, or rather anything sweet, caused me to really over eat.  I think that if you just eat what you crave instead of trying to 'fill' the craving with other things, you actually eat less.  Anyway, I really overate today trying to stay away from sweets.

Day 94 - MercoLoco Box

I got a free Mercoloco box in the mail today.  Honestly, I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it because I would have been really disappointed.  However, I am not much of a shopper and super picky so take that into consideration.

I got some gluten free-nut free-dairy free brownies, which will be a first for me to try.  I got some awesome smelling baby soap and some skin care from Raziehs, which will also be a first for me.  So I am excited that a first is going to deliver more firsts for me this week.  Which is really good because today I was thinking, "what am I going to do this month for some firsts?"  Seriously, the whole calendar was staring me in the face.  Large and Empty!  But wa-la.  A first came along and now I have two more first to try!

Day 93 - Cheese Tasting

“Life is great. Cheese makes it better.” 
― Avery Aames

We went to a cheese tasting.  Since we love cheese we didn't want to miss an opportunity to try some new cheese.  We tried a peppermint cheese, which surprisingly was really good.  It would be really good with Chocolate around Christmas.  The cheeses were really good!  Seriously though, the only cheeses I don't like, right now, are goat cheese-blah.  The Utah made cheeses were really yummy. I'm going to have to see if I can visit one of the cheese making businesses here in Utah.

Day 92 - Learn how to Glide while Ice Skating

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

I love Eleanor Roosevelt quotes.

Today I learned how to glide and skate in a circle.  Yeah Me!  My sister dies laughing.  She says she can't wait to see me perform.  I told her she'd get a pretty good show if she came now.  Today was my last day of Ice Skating Lessons.  Totally fun, but I will say that after every class my feet, outer thighs and buttock have a little ache to them.  It would be funner with a bunch of girlfriends I think.

Day 91 - Make M&M Cookies

Life is better with fresh baked cookies.

I have never in my life made cookies with M&M's in them.  Don't ask me why.  So today, a yucky overcast, boring day that was crying out for something to do while we were stuck in the house…get the picture?  It was a yucky afternoon and we were B-O-R-E-D.

Solution.  Out came the M&M's and cookies we made.  Yummy & Colorful!