Day 105 - Pizza Party

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” 
― Herman Melville

The boys had their first combined party, we made it a pizza party.  Parties-in the past-stressed me out, so we didn't do them except for birthdays.  But the new me is trying to new things so we threw an after- school pizza party.

Differences in my boys.  My oldest asked his best friend, who promptly returned the invitation and said no, it didn't sound like fun.  Rude huh!  I think my oldest decided right then and there he didn't need him as a best friend anymore, which is fine, he has lots of friends and I think he is better off without that kid.  He doesn't have a best friend, he just has acquaintance friends, but he has a lot of them.  Chess Club, Skiing, Mt. Biking, Scouts, kids he walks home with, kids he does Science projects with, etc.

My second boy….the whole grade is coming, boys and girls.  Then they get here and they're bringing gifts!  They play Twister and just bounce around.

So I have the serious, analytical child and the carefree child.  Their friends are like them, for the most part.  "Birds of a Feather."

I will have to throw more parties, at least for my second child.  I think my oldest will like going skiing with a friend more than a party.

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