Day 107 - Day of Service

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

The LDS Facebook & Website show 26 different ways to show service.  How many can I do in one day?

  1. Smile (Holly)
  2. Tell a family member why you love him/her (did this with all three boys)
  3. Find out more about someone you don't know very well (my teaching partner is training for a marathon!)
  4. Give a sincere compliment (singing guy in primary)
  5. Deliver a treat to a neighbor (fresh bread to someone with a heavy heart)
  6. Reach out to ward member (asked someone a direct question-tried to show I was interested in them)
  7. Pray for someone (lots of people to pray for)
  8. Help someone do something he/she can't do alone (kids)
  9. Give a friend/family member call just to say hello (sister)
  10. Sing a happy song (Sing your Way Home)
  11. Do an extra chore around the house (help put kids clothes away)
  12. Ask someone about his/her family (Meg at HR)
  13. Laugh instead of groan (does praying for someone you don't like count?)
  14. Listen when someone speaks to you (I always need to work better on this)
  15. Congratulate someone on a success (Matt)
  16. Pray to know who you can help (Karen)
  17. Listen to someone patiently
As you can see, I still have a lot of work to do on service.  The nice thing is, every day you can serve, more and more.  

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