Day 115 - Buy a Swimming Suit

“Dreams do come true...never stop believing.” 
― Josh Davis

"I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

I am TERRIFIED of the water.  Scares me to death not knowing what is under my feet.  I wonder how many people JAWS has ruined for life.  So today, because I am going to take swimming lessons this summer, I purchased my first swimming suit in about 20 years.  Maybe the cute suit will be motivation enough for me to get into the water.

I have to take swimming lessons because I also want to try Rowing and Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Surfing-maybe…someday…with a place with no sharks.

Now just to sign up for lessons.  If you see an adult female standing beside the pool, shaking like a leaf, with a swimming instructor standing waist deep in water begging her to come in.  Come over and say 'hi' to me and then just push me in.  please.

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