Day 109 - Aerial Silks Class

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” 
― Oprah Winfrey

I talked two friends into trying Aerial Yoga with me.  I don't remember the last time I have laughed so hard.  My arms!  My arms!!!  They ache.

It was so much fun and Darla was so nice, and pushy.  She really pushed us when we were dragging our arms on the ground like apes.  "Up!  Get back up!"  She was great.  The splits was my favorite.  I can't do the splits on the ground and I'll have to wait until I see the pictures to see if I can do it in the air.

It was a total blast!  Made funner by going with amazing friends.  They seriously are my favorite people.  I laughed so hard the whole time my stomach hurts, not as bad as my arms, but they did get a work out.  And the other people there…holy cow.  They can do amazing things!

I won't be able to lift even a sandwich to my mouth, but it was a blast!  The thought of trying Trapeze or the aerial hoops doesn't sound appealing right now.  Maybe a cooking class next.

This is on my list to try again!

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