Day 118 - Veterans Memorial Park

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” 
― Herman Melville

Let me just start by saying, THIS PARK IS SO AWESOME!  Seriously, look up the Veterans Memorial Park in West Jordan on your computer.  I didn't want to lug my big camera there, so I have no pictures, but this park is totally awesome!  It's our new favorite park.

We were greeted at the entrance to the Wild Western Park by some boys asking if my boys wanted to play.  Seriously, how cute is that!  The Wild West Park alone consumed an hour easy.  Then we moved on to another playground set.  Threw the football, saw people flying kits, others playing baseball.  This park was so mellow!  There was so much to do, three hours went really fast.  And the people we met were so relaxed and friendly, it felt like going to the park with family.

If you have young kids and you have not checked out this park-TRY IT!

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