Day 114 - Wash My Mouth out with Soap

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."
-Nelson Mandela

I am a bit of a swearer when I get mad.  I started swearing in high school as a way to get back at my mom.  Then in college and after I hear swearing in the workplace on a regular basis and I used it too.  When I had children I decided I wanted to stop, but deciding and doing are two different things.   So, since I washed my children's mouths out when they used bad language I decided I should do the same for me.  

So later today, when I swore, out came the soap.  Disgusting.  I took a big o'l lick and…yeah it's really gross.  But I have to say, I think this will work.

UPDATE:  It's been two weeks now and I've only had to wash my mouth out 4 times.  I'm a slow learner, what can I say.  But I have caught myself wanting to swear and the thought of that soap in my mouth…it's like Pavlo's Dogs.  The correlation between soap and swear words is helping me stop swearing.  My boys think this is hilarious!

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