Day 32 - Learn a Magic Trick

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe

I learned the Three Card Showdown Magic trick & then tested it on husband.  He's pretty smart, so I had to be good to pull it off and he did figure out how I 'guessed' two cards but he couldn't figure out how I did the third.  So I did perform a magic trick.  Yeah Me!

The trick is that I 'predict' what the helper's card is going to be, three times.  I lay a card face down, then the helper picks a card and lays it on top of my prediction.  We do this three times.  After we have six cards total I flip them over and presto-if done correctly I should have 'predicted' accurately what card the helper was going to pick each time.  Magic!

Day 31 - Frosted

We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney

My husband and I took the boys to see the new movie Frosted.  My little one sat on my husband's lap almost the whole movie and ate popcorn.  And the older boys talked about and quoted the movie after.  It was a success.

One Month Recap

I'm not sure if I like doing something every day or if I like planning something and then doing it.  I feel extremely selfish and "me" oriented trying to do something every day different.  But I also know I'm not in a good place mentally and so I'm going to push through for another month and see what I think.

So far the most difficult first was the Pure Barre Class.
The most amazing was Exploring Potato Hill.
The most surprising and fun first was Night Sledding.
The grossest was Grandma's Fruitcake.
The best was patching my son's pajamas.

Day 30 - Explore Potato Hill

“The earth has music for those who listen.” 
― George Santayana

Today I followed a trail under a road and ended up in a valley that I wanted to explore all day.  How could I live only 10 minutes away and not have ever set foot in this valley.  I want to ride my mountain bike down the trails and see where they lead.  I want to find out what is around the bend of 'that hill over there'.

Day 29 - Draw a Cartoon Character

“Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.” 
― Criss Jami

I have always wanted to draw.  If I could pick one talent it would be to be able to draw.  Alas, this is not one of my talents.

Can you guess who this is?  I figured the blockier the better.

Day 28 - Don't look a Clock all Day

“I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.” 
― Golda Meir

Go ahead.  Try it.  Try to go one full day without looking at the clock once.  You will begin to notice how many clocks there are.  There are clocks on the microwave.  Clocks on the stove.  Clocks on the fridge.  Clocks on your cell phone.  Clocks on the computer.  Clocks on billboards.  

Notice how many times you look to see:  is it lunch time?  Nap time?  Time to start dinner?  I guess with kids and with our school schedules we get use to 'time'.  Time to wake up.  Time to brush your teeth.  Time to get your coats on for school.  Time for work.  Time for lunch.  etc.  It's amazing how we are governed by time.  

I'm going to try this again toward the end of summer, just an experiment to see if we condition ourselves different during the summer months.  

Day 27 - Take the time to be Sick

“Rest and be thankful.” ― William Wordsworth

I got a cold that knocked me flat the day before Christmas.  So instead of pushing myself, like I normally would, I allowed myself to lay down and sleep whenever I felt tired.  I also stayed home from a family Christmas Party, which was a first, to sleep.  It was glorious.

I think as mom's we have a hard time allowing ourselves to rest and get better.  We always have so many things that need to be done, kids to be taken care of.  So to just say that everything will be fine, the kids will be able to find food and play and take care of themselves while I lay down is huge.  At least for me.  So, not a big first.  But the small firsts are the things that I think are just as important as the big firsts.

Day 26 - Take a Pure Barre Class

If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.

5:00 a.m.  Woke up to get ready for 6:00 a.m Pure Barre Class.  I have to be there at 5:45 to fill out  paperwork.
5:40 a.m.  Driving to Class I think, "There are cars on the road this early in the morning! Wow.  More people are awake and out of the house than I thought."  Once inside I get the paperwork filled out, get a tour of the building and get set up in the room.  The room is filling up with women of all sizes.  I hear a firetruck go buy and think it feels like living in the city, with people moving around all the time.  It's kind of cool.  It's dark outside, there is snow on the ground and it's cold outside.  Kind of invigorating.
Warm up begins and I'm thinking, "Yeah, this should be good.  We'll warm up a bit and then get going."

"This is the warm up!!!  Jennifer, YOU are screwed!"
The teacher moves us to the barre and I know why they have you lay your head on your hands at the barre.  It's to feel your miserable self sweating to death.  Sweat is running off my forehead.  Not as much as the lady next to me. But I'm sweating.  
Twenty minutes into class I finally locate the clock.  I start counting down my misery.  At some point during the class I ask the lady next to me, "How many times do you come?"  (she's a not fat, just a bit bigger and can do the moves easily, so I'm totally curious) To which she calmly replies, "Oh, every day."  WHAT!  DIE!  I could lay on the floor like a dead cockroach right now.  She seriously should be skinny as a rail for coming every.  This is tough!
When I was in collage I read a comic where someone was going to work out every morning early and the body responded, "Listen fatty.  Do it and die!"
I finally made it to the cool down.  I'm thinking Yoga type cool down.  Relax.  Listen to calm music.  Stretch the muscles, which we did stretch muscles…but we were still working through the cool down!  An hour later I pick my miserable self up off the floor.  Wipe down my mat.  Put my ball and band and mat and weights away.  
That was the toughest workout I have ever had.  Either that or I am WAY out of shape.  But I have to say, I feel good.  My muscles feel good.  I am a bit worried that tomorrow they will be mad at me.
Before you go I would definitely eat something or drink something that will give you energy to burn.  I didn't eat breakfast before and I got a headache in class.  Also, if you are interested, the first class is free.  So you can go try it out and see if you like it.  

Day 25 - Read an Electronic Book

“Life without a Kindle is like life without a library nearby.” 
― Franz S. McLaren,

I am old school.  I like books I can mark up and ear-tag.  I love the smell, the feel of something substantial in your hand.  But…I realize that part of shaking the dust off, of becoming someone alive again is trying new things.   

Facebook.  I'm still trying to figure this out.  Does anyone know how to post on Facebook.  I can't figure it out.  Pathetic I know, but none of my friends use Facebook so there hasn't been a need.  

Online Books.  You know my feeling about books.  But I bought an ebook and started reading.  I figured out how to highlight and how to bookmark my page.  But that is it.  I hit something twice that brought up a new menu but when I tried to do it again I couldn't get it to work.  So far I love the book, but I doubt I will be able to find the things I've highlighted in there.  

Day 24 - Build a Snow Fort

“I love snow for the same reason I love Christmas: It brings people together while time stands still. Cozy couples lazily meandered the streets and children trudged sleds and chased snowballs. No one seemed to be in a rush to experience anything other than the glory of the day, with each other, whenever and however it happened.” 
― Rachel Cohn,

Today we built a snow fort.  My brilliant husband's plan.
We started by snowplowing all the snow in the back yard into a huge pile. You can't see how tall it in in the picture, but it's almost 5 feet tall.

Here is the crew that hollowed out the inside.  It's got a shelf for a candle and it's tall enough the boys can stand up in it.

You really have to crouch down to get into the door.  And then you can barely get your shoulders through.  So the inside heats up pretty nice.  We had to make a spot for the little one to play. It has a bridge and everything!

Day 23 - Patch Pajamas

“Children see magic because they look for it.” 
― Christopher Moore

My son loves his pajamas.  From the moment he could pick his own clothes it was clothes with "no pockets", he has rocked pajamas ever since.  The minute he gets home from school he changes out of his uniform right into pajamas.  Home from church…right into pajamas.  You get the jist.

Today catastrophe struck when a pair of beloved pajamas got a hole in the knee.  This is common with this child.  His pajamas always have a hole in the knee by the end of the first month.  That is going to happen when they are worn all the time.  We decided these ones needed to be patched and with the magic of an iron, I became a hero in the eyes of my son.

Good First!

Day 22 - Say the Alphabet Backwards

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? 
~Fanny Brice

This is not as easy at it seems.  I had to practice it for a while, but by the end of the day-Success!

What did I learn from this? The alphabet is a whole new thing backwards.  I know what you’re thinking.  Okay smarty pants…you try it!  


Day 21 - The Forgotten Carols

“Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” 
― Friedrich Richter

For years I've heard about the Forgotten Carols.  I use to have a coworker that would go every Christmas, it was one of her favorite things to do.

I think my favorite is 3 Kings/I cannot Find My Way.  It's got to be because right now I can't find my way, but the song speaks of hope and the music is beautiful.  I think to see the production live would be amazing.

Day 20 - Make My Grandma's Fruitcake

“Traditions tell us where we have come from. Scripture itself is a better guide as to where we should now be going.” 
― N.T. Wright

When I was a child I loved going to my Grandma's house around Christmas.  Her kitchen was full of wonderful food and smells.  She would make divinity, english toffee, fudge, fruitcake, peanut brittle, cookies...the list goes on.  She had dishes full of Christmas treats, and they all tasted so good.  I remember one year she let me help her make fruit cake.  I was not a fan of fruit cake then, and I am not a fan now.  But she made a fruit cake that I liked.  For years I've thought, I should try making Grandma's Fruitcake.  

Today I finally made Grandma's Fruitcake.  I followed her recipe (except I couldn't find green or red pineapple).  It did NOT look like Grandma's Fruitcake.  It did NOT taste like Grandma's Fruitcake. 

I guess some things are better left as a memory.  And since Grandmas the world over always seem to make the best food...I will just have to remember my time with her when she would make platters of Christmas treats to take to all her neighbors.  And remember the times she would let me 'help' her in the kitchen.  

Day 19 - Play a Christmas Song on the Piano

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” 
― Plato

I haven't played the piano since I was a child.  Oh, I've hit a note or two, but never a full song, unless you count, 'Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater...'

So today I played Angels we Have Heard on High.  It has only one flat, no sharps (because I can't remember how to play sharp notes), and is 4/4, so pretty easy and I only played the top hand.  I definitely need some lessons!  Still, it was pretty fun and I may try some more songs later.

Day 18 - Play Angry Birds Go

“In real life, you don't get a reset, and you don't get extra lives, and I got the crap pounded out of me.” 
― Rachel Caine,

LOVE this quote.  It so makes me laugh.

My boys downloaded this game and I've seen them playing it, but today my middle son taught me how to play.  I'm not very good.  It is really fun though, and I love the other Angry Birds games so it stands to reason I would like this one too.  Think Mario Cart, but with a pink bird driving a wooden car.

I've read that more women need to become computer programmers because their brains actually work better at figuring out how to program things than men.  Most computer programs are designed by men, therefore males have an easier time figuring games out that females.

Hmmm, future school degree?

Day 17 - Attend The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Gandalf: What did you FIND?
Bilbo Baggins: My courage.
Gandalf: Good! You'll need it.

The Hobbit is one of my favorite books, so while I'm sad they don't follow the book (all the add-ins), the movie was still very good.  It is almost 3 hours, but it didn't feel like it, it went so fast.  I do think whenever I watch good vs evil, I compare Heavenly Father to Satan.  And I LOVE that good is always stronger.  I love when the good guys show courage or when they stand by their family or friends.

Anyway, if you are a fan of The Hobbit, check it out.  Loved it!

Day 16 - Attend Dicken's Christmas Festival

This, to me, was a waste of time.  I hate nothing more than paying to get into something to see things that people want me to pay more money for.  And since I am not a shopper, 'Ye Old Shoppes' were not for me.

Oh well, all firsts can't be wonderful.

Day 15 - Eat Peppermint Ice Cream for Breakfast

“Ice cream is happiness condensed.” 
― Jessie Lane Adams

Ate Deyers Peppermint ice cream this morning for breakfast.  It was what sounded good.

(yes this post is a day late.  I was tired last night.   Wonder if ice cream for breakfast!)

Day 14 - Set up a Facebook Page

“Distracted from distraction by distraction” 
― T.S. Eliot

This is one I'm not really sure about.  I've never been a fan of Facebook or Instagram or any social networking sites.  I'm pretty old school...I think you should talk to your friends on the phone or face to face.  Which those that know me will laugh at, because they know I'm a bit of an introvert hermit.

Anyway, I signed up.  Got onto my facebook page....and don't know what I'm doing.  I was already 'friended', so I guess that's good.  But, I really don't know what I'm doing with it.  So if anyone has any suggestions or helps I'll be glad to take them.  I honestly don't think I'll use it very much.  A blog is about as much social media as I really feel comfortable with.  But in an effort to try something new, I will try to update it and get more comfortable with it.

Day 13 - Night Sledding

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ” 
― C.S. Lewis

This has been my favorite New First so far.  Absolutely loved this one!!!

We went sledding at the local park.  The trees are all decorated.  The bridges are decorated.  It seriously is so bright under this huge tree - it makes the hill perfect for sledding down.

We will be doing this as many times as we can while the lights are up.  When we were done we went home, got in warm pajamas, heated some hot chocolate (Abuelitas of course), and watched a Christmas Cartoon.   

Day 12 - Make Pigs in a Blanket

One’s own self is well hidden from one’s own self; of all mines of treasure, one’s own is the last to be dug up. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

OK, I know.  How pathetic that I have never made pigs in a blanket.  We got some 'little smokies' from the store and wrapped crescent roll dough around them.  They were a huge hit.  I don't think one made it from the pan to a plate.  Good thing I bought enough to make this again!

And there is no picture attached because like I said, they didn't stick around long enough for a picture to be taken.  Perhaps I need to learn how to do video...

Day 11 - Meditate

"If by giving up small pleasures, great happiness is to be found, the wise should give up small pleasures, seeing the prospect of great happiness."
-The Buddha

If you have ever watched Eat, Love, Pray...the meditating part...that is what I picture meditating to be like.  BORING!  But today, I was told to meditate.  To take time every day to meditate.

So, since I know NOT a thing about meditating I got online and did some research.  There has to be something to make this easier-right.  I found this great website,  It has seven steps to mediation and breaks the 'class' down into Lessons.

1.  Find a special place
2.  Prepare physically
3.  Sit relaxed & strait (to keep you from falling asleep)
4.  Start with 5 minutes
5.  Choose the right time (for me this will be before bed-so I will update this post with what I think if it after tonight)
6. Music
7.  You (you are the teacher.  What you experience, discover...)
"Remind yourself of the greatest gift of meditation:  faith in oneself"

Exercise 1-meditate with a candle

I tried this and loved it.  I do think you have to have meditating music and I'm not really sure I did it right, but I felt relaxed after.  I think you are suppose to clear your mind from thought.  I still need to work on that.

Day 10 - Make Cranberry Apple Cider

“I know the look of an apple that is roasting and sizzling on the hearth on a winter's evening, and I know the comfort that comes of eating it hot, along with some sugar and a drench of cream... I know how the nuts taken in conjunction with winter apples, cider, and doughnuts, make old people's tales and old jokes sound fresh and crisp and enchanting.” 
― Mark Twain

Today I made Cranberry Apple Cider.  Our scout master served it at last month's Pack meeting, and I had to get the recipe.  I love a good apple cider.  This is not the super sweet that you usually taste with apple cider, so I like it more for that reason, and the blend of flavors is perfect!

Cranberry Apple Cider

2 qt cranberry juice cocktail
2 qt apple juice
1/2 c lemon juice
1/2 c brown sugar
4 cinnamon sticks
8 whole cloves

Day 9 - Attend a Non-Work Related Christmas Party

"Every day do something that scares you."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Tonight I went to my first ever, non work related Christmas Party.  One of my husband's friends invited us to their annual Christmas Party and it was a blast.  We knew...not a soul. In fact, we didn't even know the wife's name until we got there.  Is that kind of like crashing a Christmas Party?

It was so fun.  We got to meet people we never would have meet before.  The kids were so nice!  They jumped right in and welcomed my boys and played with them.  The adults were really nice -just don't ask me their names because I didn't learn a single name.  We just talked like we were old friends.  It was something totally out of my comfort zone!  and it was a blast.

They had this Santa come...let me just say, this guy was amazing!!!  He looked like what I picture Santa to look like.  He was funny.  He got the kids excited and talking to him.  He made balloon hats, animals, etc.  (something I totally want to learn to do this year).  Gave the kids presents.  He was AMAZING!!

I wish my pictures of him turned out, but alas, my phone died...

Anyway, it was so much fun!

Day 8 - Analyze a Dream

A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read
-The Talmud

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

My husband and I have been having really weird dreams lately.  The bizarre ones that wake you up at night.  I've never interpreted a dream before, but I thought why not try it and see if dreams really do relate (subconsciously) to what is happening in your life.

The results:  I guess my husband and I both feel a little lost right now and not really sure of where our life is going to take us.  

Anyway, I don't know that I'll try to interpret anymore dreams, but it was kind of fun.  I don't know that I really put a lot of stock into dreams.  I do love that ones that are so good that when you wake up in the morning the happy feeling stays with you all day.  Or the dreams where you are running so fast it's like you are flying. Love those dreams!

Day 7 - Make Mexican Hot Chocolate

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” 
― Charles M. Schulz

It snowed all day yesterday so today was crying out for something warm and yummy.  I am not a big fan of Hot Chocolate, but I love Mexican Hot Chocolate.  So when I saw this recipe I thought I would try it.

Mexican Hot Chocolate

4 C milk
1/3 C unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 C sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp chili powder
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of cayenne

Add all ingredients to a medium saucepan.  Heat over medium heat until simmering, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and serve.  

If you want an alternative, try Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate.  You can find it in the grocery store and it is my absolute favorite!

(recipe and picture courtesy of Thanksgiving Point)

Day 6 - Build a House of Cards

“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” 
― Criss Jami

My boys love the Brady Bunch.  Not the "love" episodes, as they call them, but the ones where the kids are doing something.  Last night they were watching an episode where the kids build a house of cards as a contest.  The first team to knock the house over lost.

The house was huge!  I swear it was as tall as the kids and that got me thinking, "I wonder how hard it would be to build a house of cards?"  I've always wanted to try and never have.  So today I built one.

All I will say false move and they all come down.   And you won't believe how your hands shake!

Ta Da!

It doesn't compare with the gigantic house of cards on the Brady Bunch, but I'm pretty proud of my little 'house'.  It took me several tries.

Day 5 - Do all your Chores with Love

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
-Mahatma Gandhi

A friend, yesterday, mentioned that she tried doing her chores with love for one day and found such a feeling of peace through her day.  Mondays are usually my most hectic days.  My sister calls Mondays the "Big Dig".  It seems like you have the weekend pile-up in every room.  The bathrooms are always a disaster for whatever reason.  The floor always needs to be vacuumed.  There is wash to do and groceries to get and the list goes on and on.

So this morning when I was thinking about what fun new thing I would do for the day I thought, "This would be the perfect day to try to do all my chores with love."  Now it may sound lame, but really, I did find myself slowing down.  Interacting more with my boys instead of just rushing from one thing to the next.  In fact, I sat and watched the laundry soap get washed into the washing machine and answer questions about how the water gets there.  Instead of what I would normally do, rush through it and "hurry do that so we can do this" type of behavior.  

I think as a mother, chores include the daily teaching, disciplining, playing, etc of raising children.  I found myself repeating (a lot) to myself, "do ALL your chores with love".  And I did slip up, I'm only human after all, I got frustrated with my 2 yr old after he threw frozen peas on the floor and I asked him not to or when he peed all over me because he wouldn't sit on the toilet properly.  But I was able to stop yelling and have more patience and understanding that he is learning, just like me, each day.

All in all, at the end of the day I do feel more peace.  I am not as exhausted as I usually am.  I feel like it was a successful day, both in getting the things done I needed to (even though I did forget toilet paper and string cheese at the store) and I was a good mom (overall).  

It really was an experiment!  A successful experiment and I will be trying this again.  I dare you to try this.

Day 4 - The Caboose Who Got Loose

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” 
― Epicurus

Lately I wonder if I am like the caboose in Bill Peet's book, The Caboose Who Got Loose. The little caboose is so focused on disliking the 'black cloud of smoke rolling' above her that she forgets, until a switchman shack, perched high on a post says to her, "I'd like to be you. If I could trade places I would very gladly...For you have the best life from what I can see."

Once the little caboose realizes the good in her life, her point of view changes. "From now on," Katy promised, "I shall not complain. I'll be a happy caboose at the end of a train. And put up with the jolts, the train noise, and the rest-or at least try my best."

And though she still shivers and shakes at parts of the track she must run, she sees things in a new light.

Today I tried to come up with 100 things I was grateful for.  I got stuck around 50 and then it took off and once I had completed 100 I realized there were still things I was grateful for.  The taste of clementines.  The smell of pine.  The sound of boots crunching in the snow.  Watching geese fly in v formation through the sky.  The feel of a warm towel.

The list goes on and on.  And I realize how much I take for granted.  Go ahead and try it.  See if you can come up with 100 things you are grateful for.  Then thank your God for all those blessings and if you're atheists...celebrate the goodness in your life somehow.