Day 32 - Learn a Magic Trick

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe

I learned the Three Card Showdown Magic trick & then tested it on husband.  He's pretty smart, so I had to be good to pull it off and he did figure out how I 'guessed' two cards but he couldn't figure out how I did the third.  So I did perform a magic trick.  Yeah Me!

The trick is that I 'predict' what the helper's card is going to be, three times.  I lay a card face down, then the helper picks a card and lays it on top of my prediction.  We do this three times.  After we have six cards total I flip them over and presto-if done correctly I should have 'predicted' accurately what card the helper was going to pick each time.  Magic!

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