Day 25 - Read an Electronic Book

“Life without a Kindle is like life without a library nearby.” 
― Franz S. McLaren,

I am old school.  I like books I can mark up and ear-tag.  I love the smell, the feel of something substantial in your hand.  But…I realize that part of shaking the dust off, of becoming someone alive again is trying new things.   

Facebook.  I'm still trying to figure this out.  Does anyone know how to post on Facebook.  I can't figure it out.  Pathetic I know, but none of my friends use Facebook so there hasn't been a need.  

Online Books.  You know my feeling about books.  But I bought an ebook and started reading.  I figured out how to highlight and how to bookmark my page.  But that is it.  I hit something twice that brought up a new menu but when I tried to do it again I couldn't get it to work.  So far I love the book, but I doubt I will be able to find the things I've highlighted in there.  

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