Day 4 - The Caboose Who Got Loose

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” 
― Epicurus

Lately I wonder if I am like the caboose in Bill Peet's book, The Caboose Who Got Loose. The little caboose is so focused on disliking the 'black cloud of smoke rolling' above her that she forgets, until a switchman shack, perched high on a post says to her, "I'd like to be you. If I could trade places I would very gladly...For you have the best life from what I can see."

Once the little caboose realizes the good in her life, her point of view changes. "From now on," Katy promised, "I shall not complain. I'll be a happy caboose at the end of a train. And put up with the jolts, the train noise, and the rest-or at least try my best."

And though she still shivers and shakes at parts of the track she must run, she sees things in a new light.

Today I tried to come up with 100 things I was grateful for.  I got stuck around 50 and then it took off and once I had completed 100 I realized there were still things I was grateful for.  The taste of clementines.  The smell of pine.  The sound of boots crunching in the snow.  Watching geese fly in v formation through the sky.  The feel of a warm towel.

The list goes on and on.  And I realize how much I take for granted.  Go ahead and try it.  See if you can come up with 100 things you are grateful for.  Then thank your God for all those blessings and if you're atheists...celebrate the goodness in your life somehow.

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