Day 11 - Meditate

"If by giving up small pleasures, great happiness is to be found, the wise should give up small pleasures, seeing the prospect of great happiness."
-The Buddha

If you have ever watched Eat, Love, Pray...the meditating part...that is what I picture meditating to be like.  BORING!  But today, I was told to meditate.  To take time every day to meditate.

So, since I know NOT a thing about meditating I got online and did some research.  There has to be something to make this easier-right.  I found this great website,  It has seven steps to mediation and breaks the 'class' down into Lessons.

1.  Find a special place
2.  Prepare physically
3.  Sit relaxed & strait (to keep you from falling asleep)
4.  Start with 5 minutes
5.  Choose the right time (for me this will be before bed-so I will update this post with what I think if it after tonight)
6. Music
7.  You (you are the teacher.  What you experience, discover...)
"Remind yourself of the greatest gift of meditation:  faith in oneself"

Exercise 1-meditate with a candle

I tried this and loved it.  I do think you have to have meditating music and I'm not really sure I did it right, but I felt relaxed after.  I think you are suppose to clear your mind from thought.  I still need to work on that.

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